Page 49 - 2596-CA SR Lanka- Annual Report 2022
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Student Services

           Stakeholder Value Creation Scorecard  The latest development on the scholarship
                                            front is the ICAEW Foundation bursary
                 Students                   scheme to assist CA Sri Lanka students
                                            eligible to receive dual membership. The
                                            bursary agreement between CA Sri Lanka
          Creating opportunities for students   and ICAEW was signed on 28th December
          to learn and grow is one of the most   2022 to support students who were eligible
          important functional responsibilities of   for the Joint Student and Membership to
          CA Sri Lanka. Towards this end, CA Sri   simultaneously obtain both qualifications.
          Lanka support services aim to empower   Under the bursary scheme, 20 eligible   Signing of the Bursary agreement between CA
          students in their journey to accomplish   students receive a scholarship not exceeding  Sri Lanka and ICAEW
          their goal of achieving a globally   GBP 34,360 for a period of two years (Year 2023/2024) to cover tuition fees, examination
          recognised professional qualification.   fees and the cost of the ICAEW Digital Textbooks pertaining to the three ICAEW
                                            Advanced Level modules (Corporate Reporting, Strategic Business Management and
          Scholarships                      Case Study).
          Scholarships are granted through the
          CA Foundation. Established in 2010, the   During the year, 138 scholarships were awarded, as illustrated below:
          CA Foundation has for the past twelve
          years offered over 1,200 scholarships to   Category            2018    2019     2020    2021     2022
          students from around Sri Lanka. Currently   GCE A/L Island Top 10   10   12       11      12        7
          there are several schemes for students to   Scholarship Scheme
          access scholarships.
                                             GCE A/L District 1st          18      20       21      15       17
                                             (Commerce) Scholarship
          The GCE A/L Island Top 10 Scholarship
          Scheme is awarded to commerce and   Scheme
          non commerce stream students who are   LA Weerasinghe Memorial   70      81       88      42       32
          ranked within the top 10 in the island at   Scholarship Scheme
          the GCE A/L, while the GCE A/L District   Corporate Level Trainee   30   31       26      27       38
          1st Scholarship Scheme is for A/L   Scholarship Scheme
          students who have obtained top district-  Members/Other Sponsorship   02  04      04      02        -
          wise marks in the commerce stream.   Scheme
                                             National Conference           10      10       10      10       44
          The LA Weerasinghe Memorial
          Scholarship Scheme was set up to   Scholarship Scheme
          support students as well as prospective   CA Student Society (CASS)
          students with financial difficulties to                              Aside from this annual event, CASS
          enable them to pursue their studies at   CASS is the main body representing   also promotes continuous and ongoing
          CA Sri Lanka. Every year, CA Sri Lanka   CA students and plays an active role   engagement with students via the
          calls for applications via newspaper   in fostering student engagement.   ‘Fusion” Business Magazine and through
          advertisements inviting eligible students   The flagship event organised by the   social media platforms as well as other
          to apply. The Corporate Level Trainee   CASS is the International CA Students’   direct interactions. Student engagement
          Scholarship Scheme is dedicated to   Conference, which remains a much   initiatives by CASS in 2022 includes;
          assisting students who have completed   looked forward to event on the annual     y Business Article Competition
          the Business Level of the CA qualification   student calendar.
          but find themselves unable to continue                                  y Gear Up sessions
          with the Corporate/Strategic Levels due to   The 36th International CA Students’     y CASS Recruitment Programme
          financial constraints.            Conference which was held on 1st March
                                            2022 at the Galadari Hotel, Colombo was     y CA Live Chat
                                            well attended with more than 800 CA     y CSR Projects
                                            students from across Sri Lanka, physically
                                            and virtually from SAFA countries such as     y Blood Donation Campaign.
                                            India, Pakistan, and Nepal.

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