Page 46 - 2596-CA SR Lanka- Annual Report 2022
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                                                     Member Support

           Stakeholder Value Creation Scorecard      Strategic Imperative       Awareness Building
                                                                                As part of the overall member support
                 Members                            Thought Leadership          initiatives for 2022 a bi-weekly webinar
                 Corporates                                                     series was conducted for Practicing
                 Regulators                                                     Chartered Accountants. In total CA Sri
                                                                                Lanka hosted 18 webinars - 2 per month
                                             Other Networking Events
                                                                                over a period of 9 months covering
          Driving Member Engagement          The Orientation and Induction Programme   essential topics relevant to Practicing
          The CA Sri Lanka Member Relations   for new members was further enhanced   Chartered Accountants. On average
          Committee initiated various events and   with the inclusion of a series of interactive   each webinar session facilitated by a
          initiatives throughout the year with a view   breaker sessions aimed at building unity,   combination of a subject expert and
          to strengthening engagement across the   professional networking and professional   a moderator attracted around 200 CA
          member community. In this regard the   development among new members. The   members with the entire series recording
          National Conference remains the CA Sri   new Member Orientation Programme   3,700 participants. Members who
          Lanka’s flagship member engagement   was a stimulating full-day programme that   participated in the entire series were able
          event.                             saw 100% engagement with over 300   to obtain approximately 20 CPD hours.
                                             new members.
          43rd National Conference                                              CA Member Benefit Scheme
          The 43rd National Conference of    The annual CEO Breakfast Forum was   A new Member Benefit Scheme was
          Chartered Accountants, organised by CA   held in September 2022 after a lapse   launched in 2022, giving CA members the
          Sri Lanka, was held in October 2022 under   of 12 months due to pandemic related   opportunity to avail themselves of special
          the theme - “Transform: Self, Society,   restrictions. The forum which was held   discounts and other privileges at retail
          Corporate, Country”. The inaugural   under a very timely theme ‘Economic   merchants around the country.
          session kicked off on 12th October   Recovery and Debt Sustainability ‘
          2022 with the patronage of the chief   attracted over 100 business leaders
          guest - Supreme Court Justice Yasantha   including many representatives across
          Kodagoda (PC) and keynote speaker -   several industries in Sri Lanka.
          Biodiversity Scientist Rohan Pethiyagoda.

          The inaugural session was followed by
          technical sessions on 13th and 14th
          October that delved into the topics
          on Transform Self, Transform Society,
          Transform Corporate, Transform Country
          and concluded with a Fireside Chat. The
          focus of these sessions was to give
          delegates the opportunity to deliberate
          why a holistic transformation is needed
          for Sri Lanka and its people, if the country
          is to move forward from the current
          economic crisis and grow sustainably in
          the coming years. A total of over 2,000
          delegates across the globe, including
          accounting professionals and business
          leaders from diverse backgrounds
          attended the three-day event.

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