Page 45 - 2596-CA SR Lanka- Annual Report 2022
P. 45

Risk Event      Implications to CA Sri Lanka     Severity of Impact   Risk Controls and Safeguards
                                                           compared to 2021
          Business        Need to maintain the continuity of                   y Establishment of formal Business
          Disruption      operations regardless of unforeseen                  Continuity Plans and Disaster Recovery
                          interruptions                                        Processes
                                                                               y Extensive use of digital technology to
                                                                               continue with learning and examinations
          Employee Attrition  Ensuring the Institute is well staffed at        y Review the performance of employees
                          all times with competent and capable                 and provide additional support by way of
                          employees                                            training, mentoring etc
                                                                               y Create opportunities for career
          Regulatory      Driving “zero tolerance of non-                      y Establishment of an internal audit
          Compliance      compliance”                                          department to ensure continuous
                                                                               improvement of internal controls, policies
                                                                               and procedures
                                                                               y Appointment of a member of the
                                                                               Governing Council to Governance & Audit
                                                                               Committee of the Institute to facilitate
                                                                               higher levels of oversight and coordination
                                                                               y Periodic due diligence by independent
                                                                               external consultants

                No change            Increase

                                                                   CA SRI LANKA  |  Integrated Annual Report 2022    43
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