Page 53 - 2596-CA SR Lanka- Annual Report 2022
P. 53

Examination Support

                                            Mock Examinations                  Study Materials for Students
           Stakeholder Value Creation Scorecard
                                            In a bid to improve student readiness for   Students rely heavily on the
                 Students                   examinations, two mock examinations   comprehensive study materials developed
                                            were conducted at the CA premises for   by CA Sri Lanka based on international
                                            students sitting for the Corporate and   and local standards of the Accounting
          Examination success is a key performance   Strategic Level examinations in July and   profession. In light of the challenges
          metric for CA Sri Lanka. Therefore   December 2022. The mock examinations   faced in 2022, CA Sri Lanka continued
          improving employee readiness to face   were followed by virtual paper discussion   to support students by providing them
          examinations remains a key priority for CA   sessions virtually for each subject   online access to study materials through
          Sri Lanka, which led to the examination   separately. All paper discussion sessions   the CA Sri Lanka website. Necessary
          support programme being further   were recorded and uploaded to the   arrangements were also made to enable
          strengthened in 2022.             “CA YouTube channel” and “CA Online   students to download the soft copy of the
                                            Academy” to allow students to view them   study packs.
          Exam Support Webinars             at any time.
          Webinars to discuss past papers                                      CA Online Classroom
          pertaining to CA examinations were held                              CA Online Classroom was initiated in the
          for the benefit of corporate and strategic                           year 2022 to support students to improve
          level students facing their exams in                                 their knowledge to meet the expected
          2022. The thirteen paper discussion                                  learning outcomes of the CA Curriculum.
          webinars covered a number of key topics                              A total of 6 online sessions were
          including CA Sri Lanka Accounting and                                conducted during the year with recorded
          Auditing Standards and other related areas                           versions of each session uploaded to the
          together, the thirteen webinar sessions                              CA Online Academy portal.
          amounted to 52 study hours.
                                             Mock Examinations
          Integrated Case Study Webinars
                                             Pre-Seen Discussion Sessions
          With students facing difficulties in
          travelling to Colombo to attend in-person   Pre-seen discussion sessions were
          due to fuel shortages etc, CA Sri Lanka   introduced to improve the performance
          ran a series of Integrated Case Study   of the students taking up the strategic
          programs in the form of webinars to   level examinations. Based on the Pre-
          ensure students could receive the   Seen guidelines published by the CA
          necessary support to continue with their   examination division, four separate
          studies without interruptions.     discussion sessions were conducted for
                                             each Strategic Level subject. Aside from
                                             the subject matter, the sessions also
                                             provided key insights to help build the   Virtual Orientation for CA Students
                                             student mindset to face the exam with

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