Page 47 - 2596-CA SR Lanka- Annual Report 2022
P. 47

Social Events                     Timely CSR Project with the CA Community
          CA Sri Lanka revived its annual Cricket   CA also mobilized its member community locally and overseas to raise approximately
          Fiesta in 2022. Immensely popular as a   Rs. 3 Million towards the “Help a Little – Save a Life” project launched with the
          social and networking event and much   intention of collecting funds to purchase vital medications in short supply at the Lady
          looked forward to by the CA member   Ridgeway Hospital for Children.
          community, the Cricket Fiesta had not
          been held for the past two years owing
          to the pandemic. The 2022 Cricket Fiesta
          generated much interest and 32 corporate
          teams enthusiastically participated in the
          one-day event.

          Yoga and Bingo sessions were also
          introduced to facilitate member
          networking in a more relaxed social

                                            CSR Project “Help a Little – Save a Life”

                                         Continuous Professional Development (CPD)

           Stakeholder Value Creation Scorecard  The benefits of CPD are two-fold; on one   CPD Seminars and Webinars
                                            hand it addresses the developmental   In 2022, the focus of the CPD secretariat
                 Members                    needs of the member and accelerates   had been designing CPD programmes
                                            career mobility, while on the other   to match different age categories,
                                            hand allowing employers to strengthen   professions and level of qualifications.
          CPD forms an essential part of the
          capacity building of CA members over   knowledge-based resources within their   There was a huge emphasis on skill
          their professional life. By undertaking   respective organisations.   development for younger members. A
          CPD, members demonstrate their    In keeping with the International   wide range of topics that give members
          commitment to update their skills and   Federation of Accountants (IFAC)   multiple opportunities to accomplish
          knowledge on an ongoing basis enabling   guidelines, CA Sri Lanka members are   their professional development and
          them to sustain their professional value   required to invest in a minimum of 20   CPD targets as well as to augment their
          in the face of new global challenges and   hours of CPD annually together with a   career developmental needs. The CPD
          rapidly evolving economic and business   further 120 hours on a rolling basis over a   programmes were delivered as webinars,
          environments.                                                        physical programmes, forums and
                                            3 year period which averages 40 hours per   seminars providing members multiple
                                            annum. Of this, 50% must be verifiable   delivery modes to suite their convenience.
           Member Awareness of CPD - ‘Do    per annum.
           you know?’ campaign                                                 In 2022 CA Sri Lanka conducted 146 CPD
                                            CA Sri Lanka’s CPD Secretariat acts as the   programmes for its members, collectively
           Covered topics:                  main facilitator of CPD resources for CA
              y CPD requirement for CA Members  members.                       accounting for 511 hours, a significant
                                                                               increase from 385 CPD hours recorded
              y CPD Planning via CPD Online Tool                               in 2021. The ratio between free and paid
              y CPD programmes organized by CA       Strategic Imperative      programmes stood at 41%: 59% in 2022.
             Sri Lanka
                                              Skill Development & Specialization
              y CPD Online Academy
              y Updating CPD hours

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