Page 50 - 2596-CA SR Lanka- Annual Report 2022
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          Student Training & Skill Development   Most notable among these platforms is the   students and lecturers to participate in
          Projects                          “CA Live” programme that was initiated   seminars and workshops to undertake
                                            in 2021 at the height of the COVID-19   research work. Currently CA Sri Lanka has
            Skill Development Programme for   pandemic. Given the good response   ongoing MoUs with 08 state universities
                Strategy Level Students     received, it was decided to incorporate   namely Sri Jayawardanapura, Kelaniya,
                   Scope / Purpose          “CA Live”sessions as part of the routine   Colombo, Wayamba, Sabaragamuwa,
          An interactive programme to allow final   student engagement programme.   South Eastern, Eastern and Jaffna
          level students to benefit from exposure   Accordingly, 08 CA Live sessions were   universities. Marking a significant
          and insights from experts in various   conducted in 2022.            milestone in CA Sri Lanka’s collaborative
          disciplines. The programme concluded                                 efforts, 3 new MoUs were signed with
          with a group project culminating in a   A new initiative “UP CLOSE with CA” - a   Wayamba, South Eastern and Eastern
          visual presentation to a Council member.   monthly online forum was introduced   Universities in 2022.
                                            from May 2022 onwards as a channel for
                   No of Participants       students to address their training related   The CA Sri Lanka and APIIT Campus
                                            issues. The initiative was further expanded   Sri Lanka signed a Memorandum of
                      313                   with special ”UP CLOSE with CA”    Understanding (MoU) on 02nd December
                                            sessions conducted at the premises of   2022. to register as a new teaching partner
           Training Assessments for Corporate   several of the CA training partners.  to deliver lectures for the ICAEW advanced
              & Strategic Levels Students                                      level three modules namely Corporate
                   Scope / Purpose                                             Reporting, Strategic Business Management
                                                                               and Case Study to cater to the market
           Mandatory annual training assessment                                requirement.
                   No of Participants

            Viva Voce Interviews for Local and   Upskilling Programme in Kandy
                  Overseas Students
                   Scope / Purpose          Student Gavel Club
                                            The CA Sri Lanka Student’s Gavel Club
          Mandatory verbal interview for all   is an important platform allowing CA
          students aspiring for ACA membership                                 Signing the MoU with APIIT Campus
                                            students to sharpen their leadership
                                            and soft skills, both vital skills to their
                  No. of Participants
                                            future profession and was instrumental
                   309 ACAs                 in producing six students who gained         “Sisunena” seminar series
                                            recognition as competent communicators   8   for A/L students and
            Viva Voce Interviews for Award of   by Toastmasters International after having   undergraduates
                CBA/CCA Qualifications      completed the required number of speech
                   Scope / Purpose          projects.                            15      Sponsorship for school and
          Mandatory verbal interview for all   Student Exchange Programme                university events
          students to award the CBA & CCA   CA’s Student Exchange Programme
          qualification, which are the early exit   was launched in January 2022 in   9  Career guidance and career
          routes for the students.                                                       fairs
                                            partnership with the Institute of Chartered
                  No. of Participants       Accountants of India (CAI). In 2022, 10 CA
                                            students benefited from virtual sessions   7  Joint promotions with
          103 CBAs, 27 CCAs                 hosted by CAI.                               AAT SL

                                            Value Added Solutions
          Student Engagement
                                            In an effort to provide students with   2    World Accounting Day
          In recent years, CA Sri Lanka has introduced                                   Celebrations
          digital mediums for students to be able to   more extensive resources, CA Sri Lanka
          connect with the Institute in order to clarify   regularly collaborates with leading state
          any concerns or questions they may have   universities in order to share resources   7  “Gurunena”
          regarding the CA qualification and other   including academic staff, library, IT   programmes
          related matters, MOUs / MRAs, personal   facilities for the benefit of students of
          and professional development etc.   both institutes. The MoUs also facilitate

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