Page 54 - 2596-CA SR Lanka- Annual Report 2022
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                                                     Certified Courses

           Stakeholder Value Creation Scorecard      Strategic Imperative      CA Sri Lanka has over 1,500 active
                                                                               members of the CBA & CCA Faculty.
                 Students                          Developing Talent Pools     Currently there are 6,000+ CBA certificate
                 Corporates                           Globally Aligned         holders and 27 CCA certificate holders.
                                                                               In 2022, 113 CBA certificate holders
                                                                               received admission to the CBA & CCA
          Early exit route qualifications offered by   global benchmarks. The ENIC report   Faculty.
          CA Sri Lanka plays an important role in   confirms that the CBA qualification is
          creating alternative career pathways for   comparable to RQF Level 4, which is   Competency Development Activities
          CA students. The two main pathways   equivalent to a Certificate of Higher   and Engagement Events by the CBA
          offered by the faculty are: the Certified   Education Standard, while the CCA   & CCA Faculty in 2022
          Business Accountant (CBA) and the   qualification has been validated on
          Certified Corporate Accountant (CCA)   par with RQF level 6, equivalent to a   Webinars on Taxation
          qualification. CA students who have   Bachelor’s degree standard. In line with
          completed the Professional Knowledge,   these global rankings, both the CBA   Webinars on IT Skills
          Professional Experience and Professional   and CCA qualification rank in the mid-
          Skills at the Business Level are eligible   level accountant category. As mid-level   Webinars on Accounting
          to obtain the CBA qualification, while   accountants, CBAs and CCAs perform an   Standards
          those who complete the Professional   important functional role in compliance,   9th Installation Ceremony of the
          Knowledge, Professional Experience   especially in the areas of financial   CBA Toastmasters’ Club
          and Professional Skills upto the   reporting and regulatory disclosure.
          Corporate Level can proceed to the CCA
          qualification.                    CBA and CCA Certificate holders can
                                            obtain the membership in the CBA &
          Both qualifications were evaluated by   CCA Faculty, which was established for
          ENIC (the UK’s National Information   the purpose of upgrading and supporting
          Centre for the recognition and evaluation   the members of the faculty, in the form
          of international qualifications and skills)   of workshops, networking events, CBA
          in 2021, for comparability against   Toastmasters’ Club etc.

          CBA & CPA Faculty Convocation 2022                       CBA Toastmasters Club Executive Committee

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