Page 44 - 2596-CA SR Lanka- Annual Report 2022
P. 44


          Risk Event      Implications to CA Sri Lanka     Severity of Impact   Risk Controls and Safeguards
                                                           compared to 2021
          Competitive     Staying up-to-date with latest global                y Establishment of a quality assurance unit
          pressure from the   curriculums                                      to ensure effective alignment with global
          evolving global                                                      development
          profession                                                           y Support specialisation in emerging
                                                                               disciplines such as Forensic Accounting
                                                                               y Increase awareness of the evolution of
                                                                               the profession among members and other
                                                                               y Commissioning third party experts to
                                                                               provide independent quality assurance
                                                                               reports on the existing curriculum and
                                                                               recommend necessary changes to
                                                                               content and delivery methods
                          Promote alternative entry pathways to                y Building awareness on the multiple
                          the CA qualification                                 exit routes for students under the new

                                                                               y Pursue MoUs with universities and other
                                                                               professional bodies to open up more
                                                                               exemption opportunities
                          Providing more robust avenues to                     y Developing new reciprocal arrangements
                          facilitate global member mobility                    with overseas accounting bodies
                                                                               y Strengthening English language
                                                                               competency and soft skills of students
                                                                               and members
          Reputational    Need to protect the goodwill of the                  y Branding and effective communication
          Damage          Institute against negative perceptions               to position the CA qualification as a
                                                                               rewarding career for high achievers
                                                                               y Review and update the Member Code of
                                                                               Ethics in line with global best practices
                                                                               and increase member awareness of
                                                                               obligations and expectations

                                                                               y Proposed implementation of a guideline
                                                                               on ethical compliance for students

                                                                               y Consult with representatives from key
                                                                               stakeholder groups to obtain feedback on
                                                                               areas for further improvement
          Inflationary    Higher operating costs due to rising                 y Cost saving initiatives and efficiencies
          Pressure        inflation                                            have been identified and implemented
                                                                               were possible, with the oversight of a
                                                                               robust Finance team.
                                                                               y Finance and Administration Committee
                                                                               also supports this function through their
                                                                               oversight work closely with the Institutes
                                                                               finance team to oversee the deployment
                                                                               various cost containment measures

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