Page 48 - 2596-CA SR Lanka- Annual Report 2022
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                                                              Summary of CPD Programmes for 2022
              CPD       2022      511                                   Number of Programmes          No of CPD
             Hours                                                                                        Hours
                        2021      385        Paid programmes            86                                  430
                                             Free programmes            60                                   81
                        2020      254        CPD Online Academy         Verifiable Materials & Non-       123.5
                                                                        Verifiable Materials
                                                 Total participation of 16,007 Members and 3,829 others during the year 2022.

          CPD Online Academy                Both verifiable and non verifiable CPD   The CPD Online Academy also contains a
          The CPD Online Academy, which     Materials are available in the CPD Online   database of paid CPD courses facilitated
          functions under the stewardship of the   Academy. Each video and article under   by CA Sri Lanka’s ongoing partnership
          CPD Secretariat provides timely and   verifiable CPD materials is accompanied   with ACCOUNTINGCPD, a leading global
          relevant content for members to achieve   by a quiz where members are expected   CPD partner specializing in creating high
          their CPD targets. CPD programmes   to achieve a score of 70%+ in order to   quality CPD content for the accounting
          offered by the online academy include a   be able to log the programme into their   profession. CA Sri Lanka members
          selection of free videos on current topics.   annual CPD hours.      receive a 10% discount for these courses.

                                                    Overseas Chapters

                                            The advocacy of CPD among the global CA
           Stakeholder Value Creation Scorecard                                      Inaugural CA Sri Lanka Middle
                                            member fraternity is the primary mandate   East Conference 2023
                 Members                    for all overseas chapters. Aside from this,
                                            overseas chapters focus on organizing   The inaugural CA Sri Lanka Middle
                                            networking events to enable CA members   East Conference 2023 is tipped
          CA Sri Lanka’s overseas chapters are a   in these respective regions to broaden their   to be the headline event for 2023.
          crucial part of the CA ecosystem. CA Sri   career mobility aspirations and to explore   Organized jointly by CA Sri Lanka’s
          Lanka first marked its overseas presence   feasibilities for professional and placement   Middle East chapters, including
          with the establishment of the Qatar Chapter   opportunities in respective destinations,   Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar and Saudi
          in 2008, followed by the Bahrain Chapter in   provide assistance to members relocating   Arabia hosted by the CA Sri Lanka
          2010. The next few years saw CA setting   for working and living in overseas   UAE Chapter, the conference
          up several more overseas chapters in   destinations and to work closely with the   scheduled to take place on 25th
          quick succession - the Kuwait Chapter in   Sri Lankan Missions for the betterment of   February 2023 will be held under
                                                                                    the theme “LEAD” and is expected
          2014, the UAE Chapter in 2015, the KSA   the Sri Lankan community overseas and in   to see the participation of over 200
          Chapter in 2018 and the Australian Chapter   Sri Lanka as a whole.        delegates from across the Middle
          in 2020. The latest addition to the overseas                              East region. The event which will
          chapter network is the Canadian Chapter    Strategic Imperative           be live streamed is also expected
          established in 2022.                                                      to attract hundreds of members
                                                                                    from the global CA fraternity.
                                                     Global Alignment

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