Page 35 - 2596-CA SR Lanka- Annual Report 2022
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             Being the foremost authority   Engagement Mechanisms                                  Frequency
             in Sri Lanka’s accounting
             profession, the Government     Engagement with members of the Association of Public Finance   As required
             of Sri Lanka (GoSL) and its    Accountants of Sri Lanka (APFASL) members
             Regulatory bodies are key      Representation of regulatory bodies                    As required
             stakeholders of CA Sri Lanka.   Collaboration on special projects and initiatives     As required
                                            Dialogue with policymakers, regulatory authorities and experts  As required

                             y Alignment of accounting, auditing and governance  y Develop skilled talent pools in the country
                            infrastructure to international standards to attract     y Develop public sector accounting and governance
                            foreign capital
                 Key                                                  infrastructure
               Concerns      y Development of education infrastructure    y Payment of taxes, fees, levies due to government
                             y Expertise to support country’s socio economic   and regulatory bodies

          CA Sri Lanka’s Commitment         accounting qualification. Beyond this, a   offer support in matters of national
          CA Sri Lanka’s approach to regulators   Memorandum of Understanding between   importance, particularly in the areas of
          speaks to the Institute’s core strengths   CA Sri Lanka and the Chartered Institute   economic policy, tax legislature, budget
          in education and knowledge sharing. To   of Public Finance & Accountancy (CIPFA)   implications, as well as on current
          promote transparency, accountability,   London allows APFASL members in the   topics relevant to companies, including
          good governance and encourage     public sector to apply for the Chartered   corporate governance, auditing and
          international best practice in the public   Public Finance Accountant (CPFA)   financial reporting. In addition senior
          sector financial reporting, the Public   qualification.              CA members who sit on the leadership
          Sector Accounting Standards were                                     panels of the Securities and Exchange
          formulated in line with the International   The APFASL’s capacity building activities   Commission of Sri Lanka (SEC) and
          Public Sector Accounting Standards.   aim to educate public sector organizations   the Sri Lanka Accounting and Auditing
                                            on SLPSAS standards to help them align   Standards Monitoring Board (SLAASMB)
          In an effort to further augment the   their accounting and reporting practices to   also frequently contribute towards policy
          standard of accounting among public   be on par with national standards.  formulation and reforms.
          sector institutions, the Association of
          Public Financial Accountants (APFASL) -   CA Sri Lanka too shares its knowledge
          CA Sri Lanka’s public sector wing offers   and expertise and frequently collaborates
          a specialised degree-level public sector   with the GoSL and its Regulators to

              Adoption of   Association of    Collaboration and   Ex-officio      Training and    Public Sector
             Public Sector  Public Finance    recommendations   positions held   Capacity Building   Annual
              Accounting     Accountants       on economic     by The Institute   to strengthen      Report
                                                                                  Public sector
              Standards      of Sri Lanka    policy and matters   on regulatory   accounting and     Awards
                              (APFASL)          of national       bodies       Reporting practices
                                                         Value to

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