Page 37 - 2596-CA SR Lanka- Annual Report 2022
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The International Integrated Reporting   Asian-Oceanian Standard-Setters Group
          Council (IIRC)                    (AOSSG)
          IIRC is a global coalition of regulators,   The AOSSG is made up of the 28
          investors, companies, accounting   Accounting Standard-Setters in the Asian-
          professionals and NGOs that have formed   Oceanian region. The group was formed
          a platform to drive a new paradigm shift   to discuss issues and share experiences
          in corporate reporting. As a Member   on the adoption of International Financial
          of IIRC, CA Sri Lanka continues to   Reporting Standards (IFRS) and to
          organise discussions, presentations,   contribute to the development of a
          workshops, seminars and webinars   high-quality set of global accounting
          through the Integrated Reporting Council,   standards. CA Sri Lanka is a member of
          creating awareness of the relevance and   AOSSG. A past president of the Institute
          importance of integrated reporting among   has been appointed as the Chairman of
          Sri Lankan corporates.            the AOSSG for the term from November,
                                            2021 to November, 2023.


             Ties with other professional   Engagement Mechanisms                                  Frequency
             organisations helps to further
             enhance the visibility and global   Meetings, webinars and conferences                As required
             positioning of the CA Sri Lanka   Collaborative projects                              As required
             flagship qualification         MOUs and MRAs                                          As required

                             y Exemptions and pathways for members and     y Representation in the international forms for the
                             students through reciprocal arrangements  development of the profession
               Concerns      y Opportunities for collaborative partnerships to
                             drive mutual growth

          CA Sri Lanka’s Commitment         MoU with ICAEW allows CA Sri Lanka   either five years of accounting experience
          CA Sri Lanka continues to build solid   members to receive membership of   or possess an accepted degree to obtain
          relationships with other Professional   ICAEW upon successful completion of   direct membership of CPA Australia upon
          Organisations via mutually beneficial   only the Advanced Level examination of   completion of the Ethics and Governance
          MoUs and MRAs to support member   ICAEW. A similar MoU with CPA Ireland   paper at the CPA Australia examination.
          mobility, enable collaboration current   enables CA Sri Lanka members to obtain   The MoU with Association of International
          topics, and offer opportunities for mutual   Associate Membership of CPA Ireland   Certified Professional Accountants
          growth. In this regard, the ongoing MoU   by completing the online tests in Irish   (AICPA) opens doors for collaboration,
          with Chartered Accountants Australia   Taxation, Irish Law and Strategy subjects.   knowledge exchange and multidisciplinary
          and New Zealand (CA ANZ) supports   The MRA with CPA Australia also   expertise.
          reciprocal membership, while the   empowers CA Sri Lanka members with

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