Page 40 - 2596-CA SR Lanka- Annual Report 2022
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              Challenges                                             Standards Setting - Align the country’s financial
                y Retaining the local member base amidst             reporting, auditing and governance standards to globally
                increased member migration                  1        accepted standards supporting access to global capital
                y Remaining relevant and attractive as               markets and upholding the public interest.
                a profession to attract new talent and
                retain members
                                                                     Developing Talent Pools - Developing and
                y Shortage of various day to day                     Administering a portfolio of Accounting and Business
                requirements due to the lack of imports     2        qualifications including the flagship Chartered
                y Cost escalations due to inflationary               Accountant qualification.

                y Employee attrition                                 Skill Development & Specialisation - Supporting
                due to the ongoing                                   our members, other accounting, finance and
                economic crisis                             3        business professionals remain relevant by acquiring
                                                                     new skills supporting career progression and mobility
                                                                     across specialisations, geographies and industries.

                                                                       Resources Allocated through Six Capitals
                Financial Capital      Intellectual Capital       Social and Relationship Capital

             y 138 scholarships were     y MoU with the Central   Members            Students
             awarded (Rs. 11.2 Mn)  Queensland University in     y 86 paid programmes and     y Facilitated 115 students
             y #WinLifeWithCA     Australia to offer an MBA with   60 free CPD programmes   to obtain their Master of
             student enrolment    a specialisation in Forensic   for its members,      Business Administration
             drive                Accounting                   collectively accounting for   (MBA) from the University of
             y Rs. 12+ Mn incurred     y Partnered with the Certified   511 hours - the highest-  Southern Queensland (USQ)
             on implementing      Fraud Examiners, USA to      ever number in Institutes’   Australia
             modern practices     begin offering a special training   history          y Facilitated 65 students to
                                  programme on Forensic        y Launch of the online CPD
                                  Accounting                   log                     obtain the Postgraduate
                                                                                       Diploma in Business Finance
                                   y Launched the Master in Public     y 43rd National conference   and Strategy (PGDBFS)
                                  Financial Management (MPFM)   under the theme
                                  Degree Programme             “Transform: Self, Society,     y Facilitated 15 students to
                                   y Introducing three new degree   Corporate, Country”  obtain the Executive Diploma
                                                                                       in Accounting, Business and
                                  programmes by SAB Campus                             Strategy (EDABS)
                                  as Bachelor of Management
                                  in Business Analytics                                y Enabled 113 CA students to
                                  (General) Degree, Bachelor                           receive admission to the CBA
                                  of Management in Business                            & CCA Faculty
                                  Analytics (Honours) Degree
                                  and Master of Business                               y Launched online exams for all
                                  Administration Degree                                levels
                                   y Rebrand “Annual Reports
                                  Awards” to “TAGS Awards”
                                   y CA Sri Lanka Annual Research
                                   y Launch of the first-ever Regional
                                  Conference in Galle, followed
                                  by the second one in Kandy
                                   y Inaugural Tax Symposium

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