Page 32 - 2596-CA SR Lanka- Annual Report 2022
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             Students represent CA Sri      CA Students                       CA Students by Gender
             Lanka’s largest stakeholder
             group. As a key player in the   40,000
             Country’s tertiary education   35,000                            65%
             system, the Institute also has                                                               35%
             one of the largest student bodies   30,000
             among professional institutions   25,000                                      2022
             in Sri Lanka.                  20,000
                         30,444              5,000 0  38,497  37,248  31,101  30,009  30,444  Male
                         CA Students                2018  2019  2020  2021  2022

                100+                        Geographic Distribution of CA Students  Number of New Registrations
                 Business                                                      8,000
                  School                    20%                      40%       7,000
                150+                        12%          2022                  5,000
                 School of                                                     4,000
                Taxation                                                       3,000
                    1,413                         Western    North Western     1,000 0  7,324  7,621  3,351  5,308  6,539
                      SAB Campus                  Southern   Northern
                                                                                      2018  2019  2020  2021  2022
             Engagement Mechanisms                                       Frequency
             Press releases, Emails, social media and Newsletters        As required
             Website                                                     Continuous and Ongoing
             Chartered Accountants Students’ Society (CASS)              Continuous and Ongoing
             CA Students Gavel Club                                      Continuous and Ongoing
             CA Conference                                               Annual
             Seminars and workshops                                      Continuous and Ongoing
             Networking events                                           As required
             Upskilling programme for training                           Continuous and Ongoing
             Skill development programmes                                As required
             Student support sessions                                    Continuous and Ongoing
             Technical competency and other assessments                  Continuous and Ongoing
             Monitored training                                          As required
             Free webinars and student support for exams                 Continuous and Ongoing
                             y Need for a relevant and marketable qualification     y Networking and leadership opportunities
                            benchmarked on global standards            y Jobs and careers
                             y Transferability and exemptions          y Soft skills
                 Key         y Demand for multiple entry pathways
               Concerns                                                y Accreditation of learning providers
                             y Learning and training support           y Approval and review of training partners
                             y Quality study materials                 y Scholarships
                             y Regular and credible examinations

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