Page 31 - 2596-CA SR Lanka- Annual Report 2022
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CA Sri Lanka’s Commitment                                            Member reciprocal arrangements with
          CA Sri Lanka offers a world-class value proposition to its members. CA membership is   The Institute of Chartered Accountants
          unparalleled in its ability to open career pathways both in Sri Lanka and overseas, thus   in England and Wales (ICAEW), CPA
          making it the most coveted professional accreditation for finance professionals in Sri   Australia and the Chartered Accountants
          Lanka.                                                               Australia and New Zealand (CA ANZ)
                                                                               are all landmarks in the Institutes efforts
          The CA Sri Lanka membership remains the ultimate professional achievement for an   to open up more opportunities for dual
          accountant in Sri Lanka. Admission to the membership is offered in two tiers - ACA   membership.
          and FCA, with both journeys fundamentally based on the in-depth study into areas
          of Accounting, Financial Management, Auditing and Taxation followed by 03 years of   Similarly, CA Sri Lanka recently
          supervised practical training under the guidance of CA accredited training partners. ACA   established Mutual Recognition
          and FCA members are conferred by the CA Sri Lanka Governing Council while adhering   Arrangements (MRA) with Association
          to CA’s Code of Ethics and continue to lead the way in exemplifying the principles of   of Chartered Certified Accountants
          accountability and integrity across both the public and private sector. Moreover CA   (ACCA - UK) and Chartered Institute of
          is fully invested in supporting the Continuous Professional Development (CPD) of its   Management Accountants (CIMA-UK)
          members in turn ensuring CA membership retains its relevance and global status in the   which paved the way for CA members
          context of changing times.                                           to obtain dual membership of ACCA or
                                                                               CIMA and vice versa. In September 2022,
                                                                               CA Sri Lanka signed an MRA with ACCA
                                                                               with the objective of establishing mutual
                                                                               co-operation between two institutions
                                   Conferred on members who have gained the
               Associate           requisite skills, knowledge, experience and training   and formalise a reciprocal membership
               Chartered           in Accounting, Financial Management, Auditing and   scheme. Through this arrangement, ACCA
            Accountant (ACA)       Taxation.                                   members and CA members who have
                                                                               more than 5 years of post-membership
                                                                               experience will have the opportunity to
                                                                               obtain direct membership of both bodies.
                                                                               A total of 31 ACCA members were eligible
                                   The highest level of membership conferred by the   to obtain CA membership through this
                                   Council of the Institute of Chartered Accountants   MRA arrangement as at the reporting
                                   of Sri Lanka. FCA standard scheme is considered   date. The MRA with CIMA-UK is in the
            Fellow Chartered       an expert professional in fields of accounting and   process of being finalised and is due to be
            Accountant (FCA)       finance and has to complete 120 hours of CPD over   signed by early 2023.
                                   5 years. The special FCA scheme is considered as
                                   an uninterrupted 15 years of membership along with
                                   a minimum of 20 CPD hours for the previous year.

               A Relevant          Continuous         Code of Ethics           Career             Member
             and Respected         Professional                              Pathways           Engagement
              Qualification       Development
                                   and Technical
                                                         Value to

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