Page 36 - 2596-CA SR Lanka- Annual Report 2022
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             International Apex Bodies      Engagement Mechanisms                                  Frequency
             provide a global platform to
             popularise the CA qualification   Meetings, webinars and conferences                  As required
             on a global scale and enable CA   Representation and active participation in committees  As required
             Sri Lanka to gain international   Feedback on exposure drafts to support evolution of accounting and   As required
             recognition.                   auditing standards
                                            Feedback on exposure drafts impacting the evolution of the profession  As required

                             y Compliance with statements of member     y Upholding high standards of conduct and ethics
                 Key        obligations                                y Research and insights from local markets
               Concerns      y Collaboration and active participation to develop
                            accounting profession globally

          CA Sri Lanka’s Commitment         CA Sri Lanka currently holds a position     y Committee on Professional Ethics and
          Over the years, CA Sri Lanka has built   on the CAPA board and members of   Independence
          strong ties with the following leading   CA Sri Lanka represent in the Member     y Committee on Auditing Standards and
          international apex bodies;        Development Committee and the Public   Quality Control
                                            Sector Financial Management Committee.
          International Federation of Accountants                                 y Committee on Professional
          (IFAC)                            South Asian Federation of Accountants   Accountants in Business
          With over 180 member and associate   SAFA is a forum of professional     y Small & Medium Practices Committee
          organisations in 135 countries and   accountancy bodies committed to     y Committee to Study Fiscal Regimes
          jurisdictions, IFAC is recognised as   positioning, maintaining and developing   and Other Statutory Requirements of
          the foremost global organisation for   the accountancy profession in the South   Business in SAARC countries
          accounting professionals, dedicated   Asian Association for Regional Cooperation
          to safeguarding public interest in the   (SAARC) Region and ensuring its continued     y Committee on Governmental and
          financial reporting arena.                                              Public Sector Enterprises Accounting
                                            eminence in the world of accountancy and
                                            acting in the public interest towards broad     y International Relations Committee
          CA Sri Lanka holds full membership at   economic development of the region.
          IFAC and complies with the Statements of                                y Committee for Co-Operatives and NPO
          Member Obligations.                                                     Sectors
                                            CA Sri Lanka has been a member of
                                            SAFA since 1984 and currently holds a     y Women Leadership Committee
          At present CA Sri Lanka is represented in   Board position and a Board Technical
          IFAC’s International Panel on Accountancy   Advisory position on SAFA. SAFA     y Committee on Information Technology
          Education and the International Public   Committees on Accounting Standards
          Sector Accounting Standards Board   and for Improvement in Transparency,     y Committee on Anti Money Laundering
          (IPSASB).                                                               y Task Force to Implement UDIN in SAFA
                                            Accountability and Governance are all
                                            chaired by members of CA Sri Lanka.   Member Bodies
          Confederation of Asian and Pacific
          Accountants (CAPA)                                                   Chartered Accountants Worldwide (CAW)
                                            CA Sri Lanka members also represent in
          Established in 1957, CAPA is a regional   several SAFA committees and task forces:   Represented in over 180 countries, the
          organisation representing 32 national                                CAW is committed to raising the bar in
          professional accountancy organisations     y Committee for Improvement in   accounting professionalism by sharing
          (PAOs) from 23 jurisdictions that operate   Transparency, Accountability and   expertise and empowering Chartered
          in, or have an interest in the Asia-Pacific   Governance             Accountants. CA Sri Lanka is an Associate
          region.                                                              Member of CAW.
                                               y Committee on Accounting Standards
          CA Sri Lanka holds full membership of     y Committee on Education, Training and

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