Page 39 - 2596-CA SR Lanka- Annual Report 2022
P. 39


             CA Sri Lanka’s 167 employees   Engagement Mechanisms                         Frequency
             together ensure the smooth
             functioning of the day to day   Management and review meetings               Monthly / Quarterly
             operations of the Institute.   Circulars, memos and emails                   As required
                                            Events and get-togethers                      As required
                                            Training and development                      As required
                                            Performance evaluation                        Annual

                             y Remuneration and benefits               y Clear communication of expectations
                 Key         y Opportunities for career growth         y Constructive feedback on performance
               Concerns      y Training and development                y Productivity tools and efficient processes
                             y A safe and inclusive workplace

            Employee Profile

            Gender                           Age                               Category
                                                                                         9%     9%
                                                                     22%                              15%

               57%                              25%                              35%
                          2022                             2022                             2022

                                     43%                              40%                              32%

                  Male - 95  Female - 72           0 to 29 - 37  40 to 49 - 41      Senior Management - 15  Clerical - 59
                                                   30 to 39 - 67  above 50 -22      Managers - 25  Minor - 15
                                                                                    Deputy Managers &
                                                                                    Executives - 53

          CA Sri Lanka’s Commitment
          As an equal opportunity employer, CA Sri Lanka does not discriminate against any
          employee based on their age, gender, ethnicity, religious beliefs or any other status
          protected by law and as such remains firmly committed to ensure every one of its
          employees receives fair and equitable pay, benefits, training and career development
          opportunities throughout the employment lifecycle.

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