Page 34 - 2596-CA SR Lanka- Annual Report 2022
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             Corporates comprise several    Engagement Mechanisms                       Frequency
             stakeholder groups, from public
             practicing firms & the non public   Press releases, emails, social media and newsletters  As required
             practicing sector including    Special events                              As required
             listed and unlisted entities,   Interactions with chambers of commerce and other   Continuous and Ongoing
             multinational corporations to   bodies
             the small and medium sector    Industry collaborations on specific projects  Continuous and Ongoing
             entities who seek to employ    Networking events                           As required
             CA members and students        Seminars, webinars and other awareness programmes  Continuous and Ongoing
             as a means of building their
             knowledge bank. These entities
             also rely heavily on the CA Sri                y Accountability and upholding     y Expertise and insights
             Lanka expertise and guidance on               ethics                      y Strong relationships and
             global best practices for financial            y Tertiary education       networks
             reporting, auditing and good       Key        opportunities               y Sound governance
             governance.                      Concerns      y Develop skilled talent pools in     y Improve the quality of
                                                           the country                 Financial Reporting
                                                            y A reliable partner for
                                                           collaborative projects

          CA Sri Lanka’s Commitment         and Interpretation Committee (FRSIIC)   By creating a cohesive framework
          CA Sri Lanka responds to corporate   functions as a key channel for corporates   to promote accountability and good
          needs in various ways. For the past 63   to obtain interpretations of SLFRSs   governance principles among corporates,
          years, the Institute has been producing   and resolve issues concerning financial   CA Sri Lanka plays an important
          quality professionals who are highly   reporting. Additionally, CA Sri Lanka’s   role in preserving the integrity and
          sought-after by local corporates and   training partner accreditation programme   reputation of the local corporate sector,
          multinational organisations. Moreover as   serves as a crucial platform for corporates   which ultimately contributes towards
          the sole authority for setting accounting   to strengthen their credentials as   safeguarding the probity of Sri Lanka’s
          and auditing standards in Sri Lanka,   employers of choice.          financial system, enhancing investor
          the Institute takes responsibility for                               confidence and strengthening the
          encouraging the widespread adoption   Equally importantly, CA Sri Lanka   country’s competitive position in the
          of Accounting and Auditing Standards   undertakes to promote sound corporate   global market.
          among local corporates. The CA Sri   governance among the local corporate
          Lanka’s Accounting and Auditing   sector. The Corporate Governance Faculty   CA Sri Lanka’s SME Task Force is
          Standards Committees work closely   appointed by CA Sri Lanka, is tasked with   dedicated to support the growth and
          with the Governing Council to ensure   reviewing and recommending proposed   development of the Country’s SME
          accounting and auditing standards remain   revisions to the corporate governance   sector, which in recent years has been
          up-to-date on par with the latest global   rules applicable for listed entities   acknowledged as the backbone of the
          developments in the field. The Financial   issued by the Securities and Exchange   country’s economy.
          Reporting Standards Implementation   Commission of Sri Lanka (SEC).

              Setting Accounting and   Maintaining Independence    Promoting Sound        Supporting Sustainable
               Auditing Standards         of the Profession      Corporate Governance       Business Growth

                                                          Value to

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