Page 30 - 2596-CA SR Lanka- Annual Report 2022
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          As a national institution, CA Sri Lanka’s success largely depends on the relationships with the Institute’s various stakeholders. In
          seeking to develop and maintain these relationships, CA Sri Lanka strives to build trust by openly communicating with stakeholders,
          and taking necessary action to understand and respond to their concerns.

                                           Member Profile
             CA Sri Lanka is a member driven
             institution with the conduct     Membership                        Resident Non-Resident Analysis
             and achievements of members
             reflecting on the reputation of the                        64%     26%                        74%
             Institute, while their collective
             skills and experience enables CA
             Sri Lanka to fulfil its purpose as   36%
             a dynamic and forward looking
                                                           2022                              2022

             Membership - Gender Wise
                                                   ACA     FCA                        Resident members   4,480
               6,000                               3,902   2,168                      Non-Resident members   1,590
                     1,801  1,904  1,901  1,953  2,150  Engagement Mechanisms             Frequency
                                             National Conference                          Annual
                                             CPD Programmes (Physical and Virtual)        Continuous and Ongoing
                                             Member networking events                     Continuous and Ongoing
               1,000                         Press releases, website, social media and email   As required
                     3,814  4,039  3,997  3,996  3,920
                 0                           communication                                Bi-annual
                                             “Abacus” Magazine
                     2018  2019  2020  2021  2022  Industry and special interest groups   As required

                    Male    Female           Annual General Meeting & Annual Report       Annual
                                             Members Benevolent Society, ICASL Toastmasters club   As required
                                             and Young Chartered Accountants Forum (YCAF)

                                y Ease of accessing member services     y Increased marketability
                                y Career progression support and professional     y Opportunities to engage with development of
                               development                              the profession
               Concerns         y Technical support                     y Platforms for enhancing soft skills
                                y Networking opportunities              y Opportunities for increasing visibility
                                y Support to be relevant to changing business     y Reciprocal membership opportunities

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