Page 33 - 2596-CA SR Lanka- Annual Report 2022
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CA Sri Lanka’s Commitment                                            6) and the Certified Business Accountant
          Each year, thousands of new students enrol with CA Sri Lanka driven by the desire to   (CBA) qualification comparable to the
          obtain a world class accounting qualification that will empower them to pursue their career   Certificate of Higher Education Standard
          ambitions, be in professional service or industry and commerce.      (RQF Level 4), are both now increasingly
                                                                               popular routes for students seeking entry to
          The CA qualification itself is offered in three levels - Business (I and II), Corporate and   the CA qualification.
          Strategic coupled with the mandatory practical training requirement. The Institute's Practical
          Training requirement is structured to produce highly competent professionals equipped with   CA Sri Lanka SAB Campus is yet another
          the requisite technical knowledge along with the right values and ethics to make a valid and   pathway that allows students to obtain both
          impactful socio economic contribution wherever in the world they choose to live and work.   a UGC approved B. Sc. (Applied Accounting)
          The CA’s regular skill evaluation and continuous training assessments of trainees forms part   Degree and the CA qualification through a
          of the quality assurance process to ensure students’ practical training objectives continue to   single umbrella platform.
          be achieved throughout their training period.
                                                                               CA Sri Lanka and SAB Campus have
          The end result of this holistic, 360 degree approach is a qualification that is comparable to a   enabled students from either institution to
          Master’s degree standard (RQF Level 7), a fact that has been reaffirmed by an independent   receive exemptions from their respective
          evaluation and benchmarking review conducted by Ecctis (UK ENIC) - regarded as the gold   qualifications and commence their studies
          standard for the recognition and evaluation of international qualifications and skills.
                                                                               at the appropriate level.
                                       Entry                                   Reflecting its commitment to create more
                                      Pathways                                 flexible avenues for students, CA Sri Lanka
                                       to CA
                                    Qualification                              continues to work with other academic and
                                                                               professional bodies to facilitate exemptions.
                                                                               Towards this end, CA students currently
             SAB Campus     Over 25 pathways   Management and   Exemptions granted  have access to exemptions through ACCA,
            curriculum aligned   including A/L   non management   to ACCA, CIMA and  CIMA and several other professional bodies,
           to CA Qualification   to enrol as CA   degrees from   other professional  while ongoing MoUs / MRAs with several
           enabling graduates   students     local universities   bodies to obtain CA  state universities as well as local private
            to gain extensive                 will accelerate  qualification   sector institutes also provide opportunities to
             exemptions                       their progress                   access exemptions at various levels of study.

           DUAL MEMBERSHIP OF CA SRI LANKA &  ICAEW   While it is widely accepted that the   The recent alliance between CA Sri Lanka
                                                 most straightforward route to the   and the ICAEW has paved the way for
           CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT -   ICAEW MEMBERSHIP   CA qualification is via the standard   students of CA Sri Lanka to accomplish
                                                 Advanced Level entry requirements,   their ambition of securing dual membership
                             COMPLETION OF ICAEW ACA                           of both ICAEW and CA Sri Lanka
                              ADVANCED LEVEL EXAMS  CA Sri Lanka has opened up a range   simultaneously. As per the arrangement,
            *STRATEGIC LEVEL                     of alternate pathways to empower
                                 CASE STUDY                                    CA students are also entitled to Credits
                               STRATEGIC BUSINESS   students to begin their first steps.
            CORPORATE LEVEL     MANAGEMENT                                     for Prior Learning (CPL) on all other papers
                              CORPORATE REPORTING                              of ICAEW without an additional fee. The
             BUSINESS LEVEL II                   The CA’s early exit routes such as the   ICAEW has further agreed to waive off the
                                                 Certified Corporate Accountant (CCA)
             BUSINESS LEVEL I                                                  registration fees for CA Sri Lanka students
                                                 qualification which is comparable to a   registered with ICAEW, and also provide a
                 A/L                             Bachelor degree standard (RQF Level   concession on the dual membership fee.

             Respected      Credible     Multiple Entry   Specialisation   Educational   Engaging    Global
            Qualification  Examination    Pathways     Opportunities   Support       Students      Recognition
                                                        and Career                                 and Mobility

                                                        CA Student

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