Page 29 - 2596-CA SR Lanka- Annual Report 2022
P. 29

Core Functions and Enablers                           Outputs                            Outcomes
                                          For Members                          Economy
                  Leadership              •  CPD Programmes                    + Frameworks for accountability
                                          •  National Conference                 of private and public sector
                  Leading discussions,    •  Regional Conferences                institutions
                  deliberations and       •  Member Engagement Events          + Credible information to support
                  research to support     •  Overseas Chapters                   policy development
                  building resilient      •  Reciprocal arrangements with other
                  and future forward        professional bodies
                  businesses and          •  Career pathways
                  a sustainable           •  Member welfare                    Businesses
                  economy                 •  Careers and jobs                  + Access to local and global capital
                                                                               + Sustainable growth
                                                                               + Future forward ideation
                                                                               + Future ready talent pools
                                                                               + Capacity building
                                          For Students                         + Framework for safeguarding
                                          •  Monitored training and job        + Compliance costs
                                          •  Examinations
                                          •  Skills development
                                          •  Learning support                  Universities
                                          •  Student engagement events         + Career pathways for graduates
                                          •  Scholarships                      + Research opportunities
                                          •  Careers and jobs                  + Collaborative partnerships
                                          •  Branch network

                                          •  Building talent pools with
                                            accounting and business skills     Society
                                          •  Knowledge to support
                                            business growth                    + Knowledge and skills for financial
              Globally Aligned            •  Training opportunities for employees  + Financial literacy
                                          •  Partnerships for mutual growth
              Supporting global                                                + Skilled workforce
              mobility of our members
              through our overseas
              chapters and reciprocal
              arrangements with other
              accounting bodies. This
              is enhanced by the                                               Individuals
              strong relationships with   The Public                           + Careers and jobs
              international apex bodies   •  Reliable financial information    + Marketable skills, knowledge and
                                            for decision making and              experience
                                            research                           + Support throughout career
                                          •  Public accounting                   advising
                                            standards and career               + Mobility

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