Page 28 - 2596-CA SR Lanka- Annual Report 2022
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                       Our Inputs                                                         Core Functions and Enablers

                    Financial Capital            Standards Setting        Developing Talent Pools

                  •  Total Assets: Rs. 3,421 Mn    Align the country’s    Developing and Administering a portfolio
                  •  Total Liabilities: Rs. 559 Mn   financial reporting,   of Accounting and Business qualifications
                  •  Accumulated Funds &         auditing and             including the flagship Chartered
                    Reserves: Rs. 2,768 Mn       governance standards     Accountant qualification
                                                 to globally accepted
                                                 standards supporting
                   Human Capital
                                                 access to global capital
                  •  167 employees of the        markets and upholding
                    Institute                    the public interest
                  •  Flexible working
                    arrangements during
                    economic recession
                  •  Training needs analysis
                    carried out

                    Social and Relationship

                  •  6,070 members
                  •  30,444 students
                  •  Business partners
                  •  Economy and Government
                  •  International apex bodies
                  • Other professional bodies
                                                                                            Skills & Expertise of
                                                                                            Members & CA Sri
                    Intellectual Capital                                                       Lanka Team

                  •  63 year legacy of high
                  •  Strong and visible brand
                  •  Reputation and influence
                  •  Technical expertise and
                    thought leadership
                                                 Skill Development &
                    Manufactured Capital
                                                 Supporting our
                  • Property, Plant and          members, other
                    Equipment including          accounting, finance
                    digital infrastructure and    and business
                    branch network               professionals remain
                                                 relevant by acquiring
                                                 new skills supporting   Supporting Financial Management of
                   Natural Capital               career progression      Entities
                                                 and mobility across
                  • Natural resources            specialisations,        Strengthening financial management,
                    consumed in carrying out     geographies and         accountability and governance of entities of
                    our business activities i.e.,    industries          all sizes across the public & private sectors
                    energy, paper, emissions                            and encouraging best practice
                    and waste

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