Page 105 - 2596-CA SR Lanka- Annual Report 2022
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12.3 Other restricted funds
                                       Balance as at   Contribution    Donations  (Reimbursements /   Balance as at   Balance as at
                                          1.1.2022    from the   received      Payments)   31.12.2022   31.12.2021
                                           Rs.'000     Rs.’000    Rs.’000         Rs.’000     Rs.’000    Rs.’000

          Best annual report competition fund   9,820   1,285          -        (376)         10,729      9,820
          (Note 12.3.1)
         Mr. Chandra Jayarathne Good         640           -           -           -            640         640
         Governance Research Fund
         United Nations Development             -          -       26,931     (24,399)         2,532          -
         Programme Fund
         Total other restricted funds      10,460       1,285      26,931     (24,775)        13,901     10,460

          12.3.1 Best annual report competition fund
                                        Balance as at   Contribution    Donations  (Reimbursements)  Balance as at   Balance as at
                                           1.1.2022   from the    received                 31.12.2022   31.12.2021
                                           Rs.'000     Rs.’000     Rs.’000        Rs.’000     Rs.’000     Rs.’000

          Deshabandu Albert Page (1992)      1,314        172           -          -           1,486       1,314
         Late Mr. Cyril Gardiner (1992)      8,057      1,054           -        (376)         8,735       8,057
         Hayleys PLC (1994)                   449          59           -          -            508         449
         Total                               9,820      1,285           -        (376)        10,729       9,820

          12.4 Restricted scholarship funds
                                          Balance as at   Contribution    Donations   (Payments)  Balance as at   Balance as at
                                             1.1.2022   from the    received                31.12.2022   31.12.2021
                                              Rs.'000     Rs.’000    Rs.’000      Rs.’000     Rs.’000     Rs.’000

          CA Sri Lanka UK Members'  scholarship   57          8           -            -         65          57
          Prof.Y A D S Samaratunga memorial fund  125        17           -            -         142        125
          Prof. Kodagoda memorial fund           31           4           -            -         35          31
          PricewaterhouseCoopers scholarship fund  70         9           -            -         79          70
          Ernst & Young scholarship fund       5,451        738        432*         (262)      6,359       5,451
          Miss. Inoka Gunaratne memorial fund    90          12           -            -         102         90
          Pelwatta Sugar Industries Ltd. fund   427          57           -            -         484        427
          Members' scholarship fund            1,556        211         94           (58)      1,803       1,556
          Dalton Wijeyeratne memorial scholarship   12        2           -            -         14          12
          Mr. Sanjaya Bandara scholarship fund  214          16           -         (179)        51         214
          Mr. Chandradasa Liyanage scholarship   370         49           -            -         419        370
          A.L.B.Brito Mutunayagam memorial
          scholarship fund                       93          12           -           (1)        104         93
          CA Qatar Chapter Scholarship fund    1,334        173           -          (83)      1,424       1,334
          Total restricted scholarship funds   9,830       1,308        526         (583)     11,081       9,830
          * Includes Rs. 390,000/- paid to Mr. Manil Jayesinghe by the Institute for the services rendered by him.

                                                                  CA SRI LANKA  |  Integrated Annual Report 2022    103
   100   101   102   103   104   105   106   107   108   109   110