Page 101 - 2596-CA SR Lanka- Annual Report 2022
P. 101

4.1 Impairment of intangible assets
          The Management has assessed the potential impairment loss of intangible assets as at 31 December 2022. Based on the assessment, no
          impairment provision is required to be made in the financial statements as at the reporting date in respect of intangible assets.

          4.2 Intangible assets pledged as security
          There were no items of intangible assets pledged as securities for liabilities as at the reporting date.
          4.3 Title restriction on intangible assets
          There are no restrictions that existed on the title of the intangible assets of the Institute as at the reporting date.

          Note 5 - Library books
          As at 31 December                                                                      2022       2021
                                                                                              Rs.'000    Rs.'000

          Balance at the beginning of the year                                                   669        843
          Additions                                                                             1,352       650
          Depreciation                                                                           (905)      (824)
          Balance at the end of the year                                                        1,116       669

          Note 6 - Loans and advances to staff
          As at 31 December                                                                     2022       2021
                                                                                              Rs.'000    Rs.'000

          Receivable within one year                                                            7,371     6,609
          Receivable after one year                                                            13,737    11,085
         Total                                                                                 21,108    17,694

          Note 7 - Financial assets at amortised cost
          As at 31 December                                                                     2022        2021
                                                                                              Rs.'000    Rs.'000

          Maturity within one year    - Fixed Deposits                                         87,544   1,522,083
                                                                                               87,544   1,522,083

          Maturity after one year    - Fixed Deposits                                         150,000         -
                               - Bonds                                                       1,438,665        -
                                                                                             1,588,665        -
          Total                                                                              1,676,209  1,522,083

          As at 31 December                                                  2022                 2021
                                                                       Carrying    Fair Value  Carrying   Fair Value
                                                                          Value                 Value
                                                                         Rs.’000    Rs.’000    Rs.’000   Rs.’000

         Fixed Deposits                                                 150,000    150,000         -          -
         Treasury Bonds                                                1,438,665  1,167,319        -          -
         Total                                                         1,588,665  1,317,319        -          -
         Investments in Bonds include Rs .25mn designated for the Audit Quality Assurance Fund, Rs.100mn designated for the New Technology
         Development Fund, Rs. 60mn designated for the Non Commerce Students Scholarship Fund, Rs. 10mn designated for the Needy Members
         Medical Expenses Fund and Rs. 15mn designated for the Children of Staff Members Scholarship Fund.
         Fixed deposits and treasury bonds have been made in state owned banks with a credit rating of A.

          7.1 Impairment of financial assets
          Impairment of expected credit loss is immaterial.
          7.2 Refer Note 31 in page 109 for Risk management disclosures and maturity analysis of the financial assets

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