Page 109 - 2596-CA SR Lanka- Annual Report 2022
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Note 22 - Depreciation and amortisation
          For the year ended 31 December                                                         2022       2021
                                                                                              Rs.'000    Rs.'000

          Depreciation for the year                                                            60,133     48,706
          Depreciation of library books                                                          905        824
          Amortisation of intangible assets                                                    26,161     37,851
                                                                                               87,199     87,381
         Depreciation charged to expenditure on learning and professional development            (905)      (824)
         Total depreciation and amortisation                                                   86,294     86,557

          Note 23 - Other expenses
          For the year ended 31 December                                                        2022       2021
                                                                                              Rs.'000    Rs.'000

          Legal and Professional fees                                                           4,944      6,729
          Auditors' remuneration                                                                 419        413
          Bank charges and commissions                                                         11,571     11,039
          General expenses                                                                     41,208     23,285
          Total other expenses                                                                 58,142     41,466
          Note 24 - Net finance income
          24.1 Finance income
          For the year ended 31 December                                                         2022       2021
                                                                                              Rs.'000    Rs.'000

          Interest income from,
          Government securities                                                               183,347      6,754
          Fixed deposits                                                                       52,846     79,633
          Staff loans                                                                           7,393      2,708
         Total finance income                                                                 243,586     89,095

          24.2 Finance cost
          Interest on bank loans                                                                (1,677)       -
          Interest on lease liability                                                           (6,851)   (5,437)
          Total finance cost                                                                    (8,528)   (5,437)
          Net finance income                                                                  235,058     83,658

          Note 25 - Income tax expense
          Reconciliation between current tax expenses and the accounting income over expenditure;
          For the year ended 31 December                                                         2022       2021
                                                                                              Rs.'000    Rs.'000

          Income over expenditure for the year before tax                                     251,365    208,287
          Net income not liable for income tax                                                (12,185)   (119,497)
          Income liable for tax                                                               239,180     88,790
          Taxation                                                                             33,485     12,431
          Under provision for previous years                                                       -      10,649
          Charge for the year                                                                  33,485     23,080

          Tax liability for the year 2022 is computed at the rate of 14%.

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