Page 103 - 2596-CA SR Lanka- Annual Report 2022
P. 103

Note 11 - Designated funds
          11.1 Summary
                                        Balance as   Contribution    Donations   (Payments )  (Transfers to    Balance as    Balance as
                                       at 1.1.2022   from the   Received           reserves) at 31.12.2022  at 31.12.2021
                                         Rs.'000    Rs.’000    Rs.’000   Rs.’000    Rs.’000    Rs.’000    Rs.’000
         Designated scholarship funds  11.2  50,884  23,980       18     (10,648)        -     64,234     50,884
         Other designated funds  11.3     39,793     1,571         -      (1,555)   (36,343)    3,466     39,793
         Total designated funds           90,677    25,551        18     (12,203)   (36,343)   67,700     90,677

          11.2 Designated scholarship funds
                                                  Balance as   Contribution   Donations /   (Payments )    Balance as    Balance as
                                                 at 1.1.2022   from the   Receipts         at 31.12.2022  at 31.12.2021
                                                    Rs.'000    Rs.’000   Rs.’000    Rs.’000    Rs.’000    Rs.’000

          L A Weerasinghe memorial needy scholarship fund  3,853  2,497      18      (2,268)    4,100      3,853
         Merit scholarship fund                      1,483      6,641         -      (4,694)    3,430      1,483
         CA Sri Lanka scholarship funds *           31,067      7,899         -      (3,686)   35,280     31,067
         Non- commerce student scholarship fund **  14,481      6,943         -          -     21,424     14,481
         Total designated scholarship funds         50,884     23,980        18     (10,648)   64,234     50,884

         * CA Sri Lanka scholarship funds consist of scholarship funds for District First, A/L Top Ten, Children of Staff members, Inter School Commerce
         Competition, National Conference, Talent and Top Achievers at A/L Tutorial.

         ** Non commerce student scholarship Fund was formed by designating an investment in Fixed Deposit amounting to Rs. 60 mn, of which the
         interest income is transferrable to the fund every year. During the year 2022 interest amounting to Rs. 6,942,803/- has been transferred to Non
         commerce student scholarship Fund.

          11.3 Other designated funds
                                                 Balance as   Contribution   (Payments) (Transfers to    Balance as    Balance as
                                                 at 1.1.2022   from the           reserves) at 31.12.2022  at 31.12.2021
                                                   Rs.'000    Rs.’000    Rs.’000    Rs.’000    Rs.’000    Rs.’000

          Faculty of Taxation fund                    934        124          -         -       1,058       934
         Faculty of Auditing fund                     900        121          -         -       1,021       900
         Publication fund                             584         78          -         -        662        584
         Urgent Issues Task Force fund                639         86          -         -        725        639
         Audit quality assurance fund *             13,593         -          -     (13,593)       -      13,593
         New technology developments fund *         22,865         -      (1,012)   (21,853)       -      22,865
         Needy members' medical expenses fund **      278      1,162       (543)      (897)        -        278
         Total other designated funds               39,793     1,571      (1,555)   (36,343)    3,466     39,793

         * Audit Quality Assurance Fund and New Technology Development Fund were formed by designating an investment in Fixed Deposit
         amounting to Rs. 25 mn and Rs.100mn respectively have been reclassified under Accumulated fund and reserves with effect from 31st
         December 2022.

         ** Needy Members Medical Expenses Fund was formed by designating an investment in Fixed Deposit amounting to Rs. 10 mn, of which
         the interest income is transferrable to the fund every year. During the year 2022 interest amounting to Rs. 1,161,667/- has been transferred
         to Needy Members Medical Expenses Fund. This has also been reclassified under Accumulated fund and reserves with effect from 31st
         December 2022.

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