Page 102 - 2596-CA SR Lanka- Annual Report 2022
P. 102


          Note 8 - Inventories
          As at 31 December                                                                     2022       2021
                                                                                              Rs.'000    Rs.'000

          Study packs and study materials                                                       24,909    15,689
          Publications                                                                           8,662     9,462
          Stationery, consumables and others                                                    14,765     7,217
          Total                                                                                 48,336    32,368

          Note 9 - Receivables
          As at 31 December                                                                     2022       2021
                                                                                              Rs.'000    Rs.'000

          Receivables                                                                         218,891    200,222
           Less: Provisions                                                                    (13,321)  (13,506)
          Deposits and prepayments                                                             24,559     20,853
          Prepaid staff cost                                                                     580       1,885
          Advances                                                                              5,005      7,979
          Total                                                                               235,714    217,433

          Note 10 - Cash and cash equivalents
          As at 31 December                                                                     2022       2021
                                                                                              Rs.'000     Rs.'000

          Favourable balances
          Treasury bill repurchase agreements                                                   80,029    48,000
          Cash at banks                                                                         47,814    23,143
          Cash in hand                                                                            155        101
          Total                                                                                127,998    71,244

          Unfavourable balances
          Bank overdrafts                                                                       (1,917)     (857)
          Total cash and cash equivalents for the purpose of statement of cash flows           126,081    70,387

          Repo investments which fall under government securities is backed by treasury bills and bonds which are provided as collateral.

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