Page 104 - 2596-CA SR Lanka- Annual Report 2022
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          Note 12 - Restricted funds and grants
          12.1 Summary
                                    Balance as at    Transfers to   Grants/  (Reimbursements    (Payments)    Balance as at    Balance as at
                                      1.1.2022    funds    Donations         &               31.12.2022   31.12.2021
                                                            received  Amortisation)
                                      Rs.'000     Rs.’000    Rs.’000     Rs.’000    Rs.’000    Rs.’000    Rs.’000
          Grants              12.2       46          -       4,000     (4,000)          -         46         46
          Other restricted funds  12.3  10,460   1,285      26,931      (376)      (24,399)    13,901    10,460
         Restricted scholarship   12.4  9,830    1,308        526          -         (583)     11,081     9,830
         Total restricted funds and   20,336     2,593      31,457     (4,376)     (24,982)   25,028     20,336

          12.2 Grants
                                              Balance as at    Contribution    Grants  (Reimbursements)    Balance as at    Balance as at
                                                 1.1.2022     from     received              31.12.2022   31.12.2021
                                                         the Institute
                                                 Rs.'000    Rs.’000    Rs.’000      Rs.’000    Rs.’000    Rs.’000

          Ernst & Young SME grant      12.2.1      46           -          -          -          46          46
                                                   46           -          -          -          46          46

         Revenue grants
         Sri Lanka Accounting and Auditing   12.2.2  -          -      4,000      (4,000)          -          -
         Standards Monitoring Board (SLAASMB)
         Total grants                              46           -      4,000      (4,000)        46          46

          12.2.1 Ernst & Young SME Grant: This amount represents the grant received from Ernst & Young to provide training on audit tool kit for Small
          and Medium Practices (SMPs).

          12.2.2 SLAASMB Grant: During the year Rs. 4mn granted from Sri Lanka Accounting and Auditing Standards Monitoring Board (SLAASMB) for
          the development of accounting and auditing standards, which was utilised in full for the said purpose.

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