Page 108 - 2596-CA SR Lanka- Annual Report 2022
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          Note 18 - Income and expenditure (Excluding employee costs)
          For the year ended 31 December                   2022                              2021
                                                  Income  (Expenditure) Net Income/   Income  (Expenditure)  Net Income/
                                                                   (Expenditure)                     (Expenditure)
                                                  Rs.’000    Rs.'000    Rs.'000    Rs.’000    Rs.’000     Rs.’000
          Performance by activity
          Learning and professional development  674,708    (246,346)  428,362     652,868   (227,568)   425,300
          Continuous professional development and
          member related activities              187,385    (114,809)   72,576     162,164    (43,273)   118,891
          Financial reporting and assurance standards   43,434  (31,566)  11,868   30,750     (26,339)     4,411
          related activities
          Library-related activities                151      (1,391)    (1,240)        17      (1,158)    (1,141)
          Net sponsorship income                   6,964         -       6,964      6,800          -       6,800
         Total                                   912,642    (394,112)  518,530     852,599   (298,338)   554,261
          Note 19 - Other operating income
          For the year ended 31 December                                                         2022       2021
                                                                                              Rs.'000    Rs.'000

          Income from hire of halls                                                              259        (50)
          Profit on sale of publications                                                         286        265
          Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment                                       (10)        -
          Gain on foreign currency transactions                                                    1          -
          Miscellaneous income                                                                  1,500      1,266
          Total other operating income                                                          2,036      1,481
          Note 20 - Employee costs
          For the year ended 31 December                                                         2022       2021
                                                                                              Rs.'000    Rs.'000

          Salaries and wages                                                                   221,975    197,272
          Defined contribution plan cost
           - Employees' Provident Fund                                                         24,425     23,380
           - Employees' Trust Fund                                                              4,885      4,676
          Other staff related cost                                                             31,584     21,370
          Amortisation of pre-paid staff cost                                                   6,590      1,880
          Defined benefit plan cost                                                             6,895      4,562
          Total employee costs                                                                 296,354    253,140

          Note 21 -Maintenance of premises
          For the year ended 31 December                                                         2022       2021
                                                                                              Rs.'000    Rs.'000

          Utilities                                                                             13,113     7,885
          Maintenance of building                                                              18,291     17,120
          Maintenance of equipment                                                               7,984     5,222
          Total maintenance of premises                                                        39,388     30,227

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