Page 99 - 2596-CA SR Lanka- Annual Report 2022
P. 99

Note 3 - Property, plant and equipment
                                   Land       Buildings      Right of use  Improvements   Furniture        Plant and    Motor   Computers,    Total
                                                    asset      to right of use   machinery        vehicles       Servers & IT
                                                               asset                           Equipment
                                  Rs.’000  Rs.’000  Rs.’000    Rs.’000  Rs.’000  Rs.’000  Rs.’000  Rs.’000  Rs.’000

          Balance as at 1 January 2021  699,000  507,569  -      -     97,203  143,213   12,282   76,564  1,535,831

          Additions                   -        -   106,373   36,849    13,596    8,091       -    16,740  181,649
          Balance as at 31 December   699,000  507,569  106,373  36,849  110,799  151,304  12,282  93,304  1,717,480

          Additions                   -     1,409       -    32,277    17,590    4,021       -    16,533   71,830
          Disposals                   -        -        -        -       (30)       -        -        -      (30)
          Balance as at 31 December   699,000  508,978  106,373  69,126  128,359  155,325  12,282  109,837  1,789,280

          Accumulated depreciation
                                   Land       Buildings      Right of use  Improvements   Furniture        Plant and    Motor   Computers,    Total
                                                    asset      to right of use   machinery        vehicles       Servers & IT
                                                               asset                           Equipment
                                  Rs.’000  Rs.’000  Rs.’000    Rs.’000  Rs.’000  Rs.’000  Rs.’000  Rs.’000  Rs.’000
          Balance as at 1 January 2021  -  150,176      -        -      73,024  119,753  12,215   47,899  403,067

          Depreciation charge for the year  -  14,947  14,183  695      5,803    6,304      16     6,758   48,706
          Balance as at 31 December   -   165,123   14,183     695      78,827  126,057  12,231   54,657  451,773

          Depreciation charge for the year  -  14,951  9,878  5,772     9,249    8,879      15    11,389   60,133
          Disposals                   -        -        -        -       (20)       -        -        -      (20)
          Balance as at 31 December   -   180,074   24,061    6,467     88,056  134,936  12,246   66,046  511,886

          Carrying amounts
          As at 31 December 2022  699,000  328,904  82,312   62,659     40,303  20,389      36    43,791  1,277,394

          As at 31 December 2021  699,000  342,446  92,190   36,154     31,972  25,247      51    38,647  1,265,707
          3.1   The land on which the Institute’s buildings are situated is a conditional government grant to the Institute. This land, which is situated at
               30A, Malalasekara Mawatha, Colombo 07 with a land extent of 174.76 perches has been valued by the Government Chief Valuer on 17
               March 2017, at a value of Rs. 699Mn.

               As per schedule 2 and schedule 3 of the Presidential grant no 4/10/22311 dated 17 March 2017 granted under chapter 454 23(2) of the
               State Land Ordinance, the land and buildings shall be used solely for the activities of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka
               (CA Sri Lanka) and shall not be used for any other purpose. Further, CA Sri Lanka cannot alienate the land and buildings referred to
               therein without the prior approval of the Commissioner of Land.
          3.2    The building rented out for SAB Campus has been categorised as Right of use asset.

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