Page 68 - 2596-CA SR Lanka- Annual Report 2022
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                                                  Strengthening Visibility

           Stakeholder Value Creation Scorecard

          TAGS Awards
          In what is perhaps the most significant
          visibility initiative in the Institute’s long
          history, the highly prestigious Annual
          Report Awards competition was rebranded
          and relaunched in 2022 as the TAGS
          awards. TAGS stands for Transparency,   TAGS Awards 2022 gold award for overall excellence in Corporate Reporting - Hayleys PLC
          Accountability, Governance and
          Sustainability.                   Another important change brought in   The full-day event held on 14 December
                                            through the TAGS Awards 2022 was the   2022 kicked off with two insightful
          The TAGS Awards represent much more   composition of the panel of judges where   speeches delivered during the inauguration
          than a new identity. It aims to introduce   the final review panel was augmented   session with Dr. P Nandalal Weerasinghe,
          a more holistic approach to corporate   by the inclusion of independent global   Governor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka
          reporting, thus moving away from the   expertise.                    setting the tone of the symposium by
          traditional focus on financial reporting                             speaking on “Deep Roots of Sri Lanka’s
          which has been the norm for the past 56   The TAGS Awards 2022 attracted 130   Current Economic Condition and the
          years of the competition. Accordingly, the   entries and the event was held on 6   Short-Term Recovery Strategy,” Dr. Sirimal
          basis of the TAGS Awards was changed   December 2022 at Shangri-La Hotel   Abeyratne, Senior Professor in Economics
          to Corporate Reporting instead of Financial   in Colombo, concluded with over 70   of the University of Colombo who spoke on
          Reporting, with special recognition for the   companies, ranging from conglomerates,   “A Comprehensive Policy Response to the
          integration of ESG (Environmental, Social   multinationals to non-profit organisations,   Current Economic Condition of Sri Lanka.”
          and Governance) reporting frameworks.   and SMEs, carrying away awards at
          The main purpose of the TAGS Awards   this competition for their excellence in   Prof. Prema-chandra Athukorala, Emeritus
          is to inspire companies ranging from   corporate reporting.          Professor of Economics of the Australian
          multinationals to conglomerates, as well                             National University delivered the keynote
          as small and medium enterprises to   CA Sri Lanka Annual Research    speech on “Policy Priorities for a Long-
          adopt the core principles of transparency,   Symposium               Term Recovery and Effectiveness of the
          accountability, governance and    In a bid to keep abreast with fast evolving   Current Economic Restructuring Process of
          sustainability in both financial and non-  trends in the global accounting profession,   Sri Lanka”, which was followed by a panel
          financial reporting aspects.      CA Sri Lanka organised its Annual   discussion featuring Mr Sanjaya Bandara,
                                            Research Symposium to create a platform   President of CA Sri Lanka; Ms Yvette
          Ultimately, the newly rebranded TAGS   for CA members and other industry leaders   Fernando, Deputy Governor of the Central
          Awards will serve as a platform where   to discuss, deliberate, and improve their   Bank of Sri Lanka; Ms Bhavani Fonseka,
          organisations are evaluated for both   readiness for emerging challenges that   Senior Researcher and Attorney-at-Law
          financial and non-financial performance   could potentially influence the future of the   of the Centre for Policy Alternatives; and
          as well as their commitment to invest in   profession.               Mr Murtaza Jafferjee, Chair of Advocata
          digitalisation and transformation amidst                             Institute.
          increasing demands and expectations   During the symposium on 14 December
          from investors and shareholders as well as   2022, key research findings on   The symposium also comprised two
          society.                          contemporary issues facing the Accounting   technical sessions, the first session
                                            and Finance Profession took centre stage,   focused on “Forensic Education, Corporate
                  Strategic Imperative      with a group of well-versed researchers   Governance and Socio-Economic &
                                            sharing their insights on Challenges in   Environmental Development” with Dr.
                  Thought Leadership                                           S.I.H. Liyanage delivering a paper on “In
                                            IFRS Implementation and Non-Financial
                 Supporting Financial       Reporting, Forensic Education and   Search of a Right Model for Corporate
                Management of Entities      Corporate Governance and Socio-Economic   Governance in Sri Lanka: Lessons from the
                                            & Environmental Development.       United Kingdom, South Africa, and India”

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