Page 67 - 2596-CA SR Lanka- Annual Report 2022
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Master in Public Financial        to be awarded Diploma certificates in April   organisations, thereby enhancing the
          Management (MPFM) Degree          2023. The second phase of the DLGFM   accountability and transparency of local
          Program                           program which is structured as a blended   government authorities, statutory bodies,
                                            learning session is in progress and is due   provincial councils, and projects with
            CAPA (Confederation of Asian and   to be completed by July 2023.   foreign funding.
            Pacific Accountants) Case Study
            on the APFASL                   Two additional assignments under UNDP   The 6th edition of the BARA Awards in
                                            TA also made good progress in 2022: The   2022 was based on a very comprehensive
           In November 2022, CAPA published   first assignment to prepare an internal   guideline for the preparation and
           a case study on CA Sri Lanka and   audit (IA) manual for local authorities was   presentation of annual reports and
           its “Public Sector” wing, which   completed by March 2023. The second   accounts in all three languages. Another
           showcases how CA has extended    assignment was the series of special   new feature of this year’s competition
           its professional duties to the public   upskilling workshops to educate local   was the six-member panel appointed
           sector, including the organisational   government staff and encourage them   to review submissions received under
           arrangements established to deliver   to participate in this year’s Best Annual   each of the four institutional categories
           these activities. The circumstances   Report and Accounts (BARA) competition   prior to the final review by the board of
           at the time in Sri Lanka which   for local government institutions.   management. A total of 125 institutions
           underpinned how the local PAO                                       submitted entries for the competition,
           ‘entered this sector’ were unique,   Supported by a TA from USAID PARTNER   with 43 being honoured for excellence
           namely the existence of an       in Sri Lanka, the APFASL finalised   in financial reporting at a ceremony held
           organization already supporting   arrangements to conduct a program on   on 2nd of December 2022 at BMICH,
           individuals with finance-related careers   SLPSAS and IT skills for public sector   Colombo while a further 59 received
           in the public sector.            officials. A Letter of Corporation (LOC)   certificates of compliance.
                                            was signed in June 2022 to launch the
                                            program which commenced on the     APFASL Annual Conference 2022
          Taking steps to expand the range of   16th of February 2023. This program is
          public sector qualifications on offer, the   intended to train public sector accounting   The APFASL’s 3rd annual conference took
          APFASL sought approval of the Ministry   and auditing professionals on SLPSAS   place on December 2nd, 2022 with over
          of Education to implement a new MPFM   11-20, thereby enhancing the quality of   250 members participating in the event
          degree program. The overall objective of   financial reporting in the public sector.   held at the BMICH in Colombo. This
          the MPFM Degree Program is to enhance   The program will also increase public   years’ conference was framed around
          the professional competency of officers   sector finance professionals’ awareness,   the theme “Transforming Public Sector
          dealing with public sector accounting and   skills, and application of IT systems for   for Economic Revival”, thereby drawing
          financial reporting which would eventually   data management, analysis, and strategic   attention to the potential role of the sector
          strengthen accountability, transparency   decision-making. The training programs   in the economic revival of post-Covid
          and good governance. In particular, the   on SLPSAS and IT are expected to benefit   Sri Lanka. The chief guest at the event
          MPFM Degree Program aims at providing   approximately 1,800 accounting and   was Mr. Mahinda Siriwardena, Secretary
          candidates with knowledge of newly   auditing professionals, across the island.   of the Treasury, while keynote speaker,
          introduced public sector accounting and                              Dr Nandalal Weerasinghe educated
          reporting standards in order to streamline   APFASL conducted two 5-day training   the participants on some interesting
          the financial management practices in the   program for the benefit of middle and   information about the government’s
          public sector in Sri Lanka.       senior management staff of CTB. The   agenda in dealing with the crisis and the
                                                                               relevant changes in the public sector
                                            first was on “procurement management   in relation to restructure and revive the
          Training and Capacity Building
                                            in the public sector” and the second   economy.
          One of the key capacity building activities   was on “SLPSAS application in financial
          for the year was the DLGFM Project,   accounts”. Together both programs
          a UNDP sponsored initiative that was   saw the participation of over 100 CTB
          awarded to APFASL in early 2022 for the   employees who were issued certificates
          purpose of training public sector officers   of participation at the conclusion of the   Launch the Master in Public
          in the Northern, Eastern, Uva and North   training.                        Financial Management (MPFM )
          Central Provinces. APFASL conducted                                        Degree Programme by mid 2023
          these training sessions in Kilinochchi   Best Annual Reports and Accounts
          followed by Anuradhapura, Trincomalee   (BARA) Awards Competition:
          and Badulla. Examinations for these first   The BARA Awards were launched in 2016
          four batches that completed the course   with the intention of improving financial
          in December 2022, were held in January   reporting standards among public sector
          2023 with successful candidates are due

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