Page 63 - 2596-CA SR Lanka- Annual Report 2022
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Standard Setting

           Stakeholder Value Creation Scorecard      Strategic Imperative      A dedicated website (
                                                      Standard Setting         lends further visibility to all
                 Members                                                       communications released by the two
                                                    Supporting Financial
                 Corporates                                                    committees, including access to digital
                 Regulators                        Management of Entities      copies of the respective gazettes. The
                                                      Globally Aligned
                                                                               website is regularly updated with the
                                                                               technical pronouncements and latest
          As Sri Lanka’s leading professional     y SLFRS for Small and Medium Sized   developments on the related Accounting
          accounting body, CA Sri Lanka remains   Enterprises (SMEs) - Applicable for   and Auditing Standards.
          the sole authority in the country for   the entities which do not have public
          adoption of accounting and auditing   accountability and publish general   Meanwhile, the Institute’s Technical
          standards. The development and       purpose financial statements for   Division plays a critical role in maintaining
          implementation of Sri Lanka Accounting   external users. The list of SBEs that   a uniform and high standard in the
                                               are stated in Section 1.1 of the said
          and Sri Lanka Auditing Standards comes   SLFRS has been scoped out from the   preparation and presentation of the
          under the purview of the Institute’s   application. SLFRS for SMEs issued   financial statements of business
          Accounting Standards Committee and   in 2015 are effective from 1st January   enterprises. CA Sri Lanka’s Technical
          Auditing Standards Committee. Both   2016.                           Division has been the beneficiary of
          committees operate under the provisions                              an annual grant of Rs 4 Mn. by the Sri
          of the Sri Lanka Accounting and Auditing     y SLFRS for Smaller Entities - Provides   Lanka Accounting and Auditing Standards
          Standards Act No 15 of 1995 (the Act).   a further simplified financial reporting   Monitoring Board (SLAASMB) to support
          The Act provides the establishment of   standard which could be cost   the CA Sri Lanka’s efforts to implement
          an Accounting Standards Committee for   effectively used by smaller entities.   robust and modern practices in the
          the purpose of assisting the Council of   The requirements stated in SLFRS   accounting profession from the inception.
          CA Sri Lanka in the promulgation of these   for Smaller Entities recognise the   The annual total cost incurred by CA Sri
                                               size, level of complexity, availability
          standards.                                                           Lanka in these areas was more than Rs
                                               of resources and their effect on cost   12 Mn.
                                               effectiveness in the preparation and
          All standards developed by the two   presentation of financial statements of
          committees are approved by the CA    smaller entities.
          Sri Lanka Governing Council and then
          formally gazetted in all three languages.  In adopting the Sri Lanka Auditing
                                            Standards, the Auditing Standards
          Currently there are frameworks of 3   Committee is guided by the Standards
          Accounting Standards applicable to   issued by the International Auditing and
          entities operating in Sri Lanka;  Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) of the
                                            International Federation of Accountants
            y Sri Lanka Accountings Standards   (IFAC).
            (LKASs/SLFRSs) – Mandatory for
            Specified Business Enterprises (SBEs)
            as per the Act (except the SBEs as
            prescribed by Extraordinary Gazette
            No. 1074/7 dated 7th April 1999) which
            are permitted to follow SLFRS for
            SMEs as well.

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