Page 70 - 2596-CA SR Lanka- Annual Report 2022
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                                                 Digital Transformation (ICT)

           Stakeholder Value Creation Scorecard      Strategic Imperative      On the training front, the 365 Business
                                                                               Central (ERP) solution equipped
                 Members                              Globally Aligned         with a dynamic training module was
                 Corporates                                                    implemented to give students the
                 Regulators                                                    opportunity to access their IT Training
                                                                               at any time from anywhere. A new
                                            Meanwhile, given the increasing number   forecasting tool was also rolled out to
          CA Sri Lanka’s digital transformation   of students and members requesting for   forecast students’ expectations for IT
          journey which began over a decade ago   digital alternatives to settle their exam   training examinations.
          has gathered significant momentum in   fees and pay subscriptions, CA Sri Lanka
          recent years driven by the Institute’s   partnered with a number of leading   The SAGE ERP rollout was completed
          ambition to position itself as a world class   banks to introduce a variety of digital   in 2022 to support the dual objectives
          professional accounting body. Some   payment solutions to help students and   of providing a better user experience
          notable strides were made on the digital   members to perform these transactions   for students and members as well as to
          front in 2022, to bring CA Sri Lanka closer   with ease. For the added safety of   derive internal cost efficiencies. As part of
          to this goal.                     students and members making online   the overall efficiency programme, internal
                                            settlements through the corporate   process digitisation initiatives were further
          The second phase of the branch    website, the CA Sri Lanka Internet   expedited leading to the automation of
          modernisation programme was completed   Payment Gateway (IPG) was migrated   the training agreement request process
          in 2022, with the ICT infrastructure at   to a new platform supported by the   for both the audit and non audit sector
          the CA Sri Lanka Kandy branch fully   latest information security protocols.   and facilitate supervising member change
          revamped. The revamp included a new   Following this migration, the IPG was   request process, issuance of the soft
          fully fledged IT lab and other modern   integrated with the CA student and   copy of the training agreements for
          facilities to provide students with a world   member databases to enable dynamic   students, expansion of the TAGS online
          class learning experience. Apart from   updating of subscription payments   reporting platform for corporates and
          this, the functionality of the student portal   to the respective student / member   the introduction of an online portal to
          was further enhanced with the online   accounts. The CA Sri Lanka corporate   capture inquiries at CA Sri Lanka and the
          examination application and admissions   website was updated with a new portal   SAB Campus in order to identify potential
          system which was previously offered   offering direct connectivity to the CA   leads.
          only for Business Level examinations   Sri Lanka database of Board Ready CA
          being extended to all other exams as   Female Members.
          well. Additional system changes were
          also made to give students the flexibility
          to schedule examinations at a centre
          convenient to them.

         IT lab at Kandy branch             Ceremonial Launch of the website of the Directory of the Board ready female member of CA Sri Lanka

          68   CA SRI LANKA  | Integrated Annual Report 2022
   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75