Page 72 - 2596-CA SR Lanka- Annual Report 2022
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          Remuneration and Productivity     arranged on a need basis. In addition all   Employee Engagement
          CA Sri Lanka offers market competitive   employees benefit from on-the-job training   Employee engagement is an important
          remuneration and benefits to its   and knowledge sharing opportunities, to   part of the employee value proposition
          employees. In addition, employees are   help them further enhance their job skills.  offered by CA Sri Lanka. An annual
          eligible to receive additional incentives                            event calendar is in place to encourage
          in recognition of their performance and   Employee Wellbeing         employees to connect in an informal
          contribution to the Institute.    Employee wellbeing has always been   setting, thereby strengthening bonds
                                            a key priority for CA Sri Lanka. Towards   and building team spirit. The most looked
          While some unusual employee attrition   this end, the Institute focuses on creating   forward to activity on the event calendar
          was noted due to the current economic   a safe and injury-free workplace for all   is the annual employee Christmas carols.
          crisis, general employee motivation and   employees. This includes ensuring a   The 2022 Christmas carols was held at
          productivity levels remained high with all   conducive work environment free of   the Institute and saw the participation of
          employees demonstrating a strong sense   harassment in any form. The Institute   all CA Sri Lanka employees.
          of purpose and commitment to drive the   prides itself as an equal opportunity
          Institute's agenda and achieve its core   employer and does not discriminate on
          objectives.                       the basis of age, sex, marital status,
                                            religious beliefs or any other status
          Training and Development          protected by law.
          As a learning organisation, CA Sri Lanka
          remains committed to systematically train
          and develop employees to ensure they
          possess the essential skills to perform
          their assigned job roles. Workshops and
          other competency training initiatives are

                                                                               Christmas carols

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