Page 73 - 2596-CA SR Lanka- Annual Report 2022
P. 73


          INCOME                                                                Composition of operating expenses
          Income increased by 7% year on year, driven by sustained improvements across all
          income sources. Despite higher student numbers, income generated through Learning   12%    62%
          and professional development activities grew only by 3% owing to the conscious
          decision made by CA Sri Lanka to refrain from increasing costs borne by students.   18%  10%  62%
          Similarly, member fee structures also remained unchanged. This together with the large   2021   2022
          number of CPD conducted free of charge meant that income generated through CPD
          and other member activities grew by 16% year on year mainly due to physical presence
          of the National Conference.                                                 8%

          Meanwhile income from Financial reporting and assurance standards related activities,   Employee costs
          grew by 41% year on year denoting a substantial increase compared to the previous   Maintenance of premises
          year.                                                                       Depreciation and amortisation
                                                                                      Other expenses
           Income (LKR Mn)

           1,000                                                               OPERATING EXPENSES
            800                                                                The combined impact of rising inflation
                                                                               and the devaluation of the LKR against
                                                                               the USD drove up operating expenses.
            400                                                                Consequently operating expenses
                                                                               (excluding depreciation and amortisation)
                      859        918         603         853         913       increased by 21% year on year, driven
             0                                                                 by a substantial increase in general
                   2018         2019       2020         2021       2022        expenses. Recommencement of normal
                                                                               operations after the pandemic has
                                                                               impacted to the increase in operating
           Gross income by activity (LKR Mn)

           800                                                         2021
           700   653  675                                              2022
           200              162  187
                                        31  43                7    7
             0                                    0.01  0.1
                Learning and   Continuous   Financial   Library-related   Net
                professional   professional   reporting and   activities  sponsorship
                development development and   assurance        income
                         member related   standards
                            activities  related activities

                                                                   CA SRI LANKA  |  Integrated Annual Report 2022    71
   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78