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which was followed by a second paper   prevailing macroeconomic environment is   provide leadership at board level for top
         on “Forensic Accounting Education: An   affecting various sectors of the economy.   companies in the country. The directory
         Exploration of Accounting Curricula of State                          is updated annually by CA Sri Lanka to
         Universities in Sri Lanka” delivered by Dr.   Given the severity of the economic   showcase the pool of talented board-ready
         M. A.T.K. Munasinghe.              challenges in 2022 CA Sri Lanka engaged   female Chartered Accountants who are
                                            more frequently with corporates and   geared to take on leadership roles.
         The second technical session focused on   industry experts. CA Sri Lanka also held
         “Challenges in IFRS Implementation and   meetings with the representatives of   SAFA Best Presented Annual Report
         Non-Financial Reporting,” with Ms. P.P.   the International Monetary Funds (IMF)   (BPA) Awards
         Abeykoon presenting the third paper titled   on 23 June 2022 and 29 August 2022,   CA Sri Lanka hosted the SAFA Best
         “Corporate Internet Reporting in Sri Lankan   focusing specifically on current issues and   Presented Annual Report Awards,
         Listed Companies” and the fourth paper   the way forward for Sri Lanka’s financial   Integrated Reporting Award and SAARC
         on “Challenges in Respect of Revenue   system. Insights gained through these   Anniversary Award for Corporate
         from Contracts with Customers (IFRS 15):   various interactions along with CA Sri   Governance Disclosures 2020. The SAFA
         Evidence from the Software Development   Lanka’s recommendations for proposed   BPA Awards organised by the South
         Industry in the Western Province of Sri   policy reforms were submitted for the   Asian Federation of Accountants (SAFA) is
         Lanka” was by Ms. N. Gurusinghe. The   consideration of relevant regulatory bodies.  considered the most prestigious accolade
         final paper of the day was on “Impact                                 for financial reporting in the South Asian
         of the Extent of Integrated Reporting   Women Empowerment and         region and has played a catalyst role
         Adoption on Financial Performance:   Leadership Development Initiatives   in promoting excellence and effective
         Evidence from Financial Sector Companies   Striving to promote greater female   communication in the presentation of
         in Sri Lanka” delivered by C. Shabilnath.  participation in leadership roles, the CA Sri   high-quality, relevant, reliable and objective
                                            Lanka corporate website was updated to   financial and non-financial information for
         Contribution to Economic Reforms   provide easy access to the Board Ready   over two decades.
         Being the leading professional accounting   Female Members Directory published by
         body in Sri Lanka, CA Si Lanka is frequently   CA Sri Lanka annually.  The event held on 09 February 2022 was
         called upon to submit opinions and                                    done in a hybrid format, combining physical
         recommendations for economic reforms.   The Board Ready Female Members   attendance and virtual participation.
         To facilitate this, CA Sri Lanka regularly   Directory contains a database of female   SAFA Member Bodies from Bangladesh,
         engages with corporate leaders and   Chartered Accountants who have been   Pakistan and Nepal connected with to the
         industry experts to ascertain how the   members of CA Sri Lanka for over 10 years   proceedings in Colombo virtually,
                                            and possess the necessary expertise to

                                                      SME Task Force

           Stakeholder Value Creation Scorecard      Strategic Imperative      financial literacy programme to mark
                                                                               the Global Entrepreneurship Week
                                                    Supporting Financial
                 Members                                                       2022. A series of programmes was run
                                                   Management of Entities
                 Corporates                                                    concurrently in Colombo, Kandy and Galle
                 Strategic Partners                                            in partnership with the National Enterprise
                                            CA members to systematically guide the   Development Authority (NEDA). To
          The CA Sri Lanka SME Task Force is part   SME under their purview to develop their   coincide with the programme, the SME
          of the Institute’s multi pronged approach   respective business. These efforts are   Task Force published the first addition
          to support the growth and development   further augmented by financial literacy and   of its new bi-lingual (Sinhala and Tamil)
          of various sectors of the economy.   other capacity building initiatives made   information booklet for SME’s, which will
          Launched in 2020 at the height of the   possible through MoUs between CA Sri   henceforth be updated annually.
          COVID-19 pandemic, the main objective   Lanka and various chambers, the National
          of the SME Task Force at the time was to   Enterprise Development Authority
          provide advisory services to create more   (NEDA), Export Development Board
          resilient SME’s capable of withstanding   (EDB), state universities, banks as well as   Conducted a Policy Dialogue -
          pandemic induced challenges. To facilitate   other knowledge sharing bodies.   connecting the dots to strengthen
          this objective, the SME Task Force seeks                                   the SME sector with like
          the expertise of senior members of the   In 2022, the SME Task Force in    minded partners and research &
          CA community to act as mentors for   collaboration with several of these entities   Development arms of the state
          individual SMEs. A structured mentoring   carried out a total of 14 capacity building   sector universities.
          programme was put in place to support   programmes for SMEs, including the

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