Page 64 - 2596-CA SR Lanka- Annual Report 2022
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          Technical Pronouncements made by the CA Sri Lanka Accounting Standards committee in 2022

          Technical Area        Objectives                Name of the Pronouncement
          Statement of          To provide guidance to    - Merger Accounting for Common Control Combinations.
          Recommended Practices   accounting professionals
          (SoRPs)               in areas where the current
                                SLFRSs does not cover specific
                                transactions or events.
          Statement of Alternative   To recommend an alternate   - SoAT on accounting for Super Gains Tax
          Treatments (SoATs)    treatment, where SLFRSs   - SoAT on accounting for Surcharge Tax
                                prescribe another treatment to
                                be followed in accounting for a   - SoAT on Reclassification on debt portfolio
                                particular transaction or event.
          Financial Reporting   To provide further guidance     y Reinstatement of fully depreciated assets in the statement of
          Guidelines            and clarification on a particular   financial position
                                transaction or event to      y Application of Deferred Taxation as per LKAS 12 Income Taxes
                                support more transparent    (w.e.f. 1st January 2012) to entities enjoying a Tax Holiday period
                                and comparable information
                                in general purpose financial     y Guidelines on valuation of property, plant and equipment,
                                                            investment property and biological assets for the purpose of
                                                            Financial Reporting
                                                             y Guidelines on Application of Tax Rates in Measurement of
                                                            Deferred Tax
                                                             y Guidelines on Impairment of available-for-sale (AFS) equity
                                                             y Application Guidance Notes on SLFRS 9 Financial Instruments
                                                             y Application Guidance Notes on SLFRS 15 Revenue from
                                                            Contracts with Customers-Real Estate Sector
                                                             y Application Guidance Notes on SLFRS 16 - Leases
                                                             y Guidance Notes on Accounting Considerations of the COVID 19
                                                            Outbreak (updated on 11th May 2020)
                                                             y Guidance for identification of Elevated Risk Industries for the
                                                            assessment of ECL in line with SLFRS 9
                                                             y Guideline on Application of Tax Rates in Measurement of Current
                                                            Tax and Deferred Tax in LKAS 12
                                                             y Disclosure Guidance and Other Considerations on the Recent
                                                            Economic Conditions and its Impact on the Reporting

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