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                                                     School of Taxation

          Certified Tax Advisor                                       Certified Tax Advisor
          The “Certified Tax Advisor’’ program
          offered by CA Sri Lanka School of Taxation
          is a well-recognized qualification for   Awareness Level      Advisory Level        Application Level
          professionals who aspire to specialise
          in taxation. The comprehensive course    4 Months               8 Months                6 Months
          curriculum based on the Sri Lankan tax
          laws as well as global tax trends in Tax
          planning, Transfer pricing and international

          Annual Convocation
          In 2022, the Certified Tax Advisor (CTA)
          status was conferred on 57 new CTA
          members at the Annual Convocation,
          which was held on 21st June 2022,
          at the BMICH. The Chief Guest of the
          convocation was Professor Ren Yi - Pro
          Vice-Chancellor (International), University
          of Southern Queensland, Australia.

          Courses offered by School of Taxation
          1.  Certificate Course on Value Added
             The Certificate Course on Value   Annual Convocation 2022 – School of Taxation
             Added Tax tackles the salient features
             of Value Added Tax (VAT) as well as
             the most controversial aspects of VAT   School of Taxation - Key Statistics 2022
             returns and schedule submissions,   Certified Tax Advisor Course  No. of Registrations - 101
             while providing a comprehensive look   Certificate Course on Value Added Tax  No. of Registrations - 81
             into the practical issues faced under
             RAMIS, along with case studies and   Certificate Course in Taxation  No. of Registrations - 29
             two special features on the topics   New CTA Members 2022        57
             below:                          Chartered/Certified Tax Advisors  198

               y Historical perspective on VAT as an   2.  Certificate Course in Taxation
              indirect tax in Sri Lanka
                                                The Certificate Course in Taxation is designed to impart knowledge on the latest tax
               y A critical analysis of contribution of   law in Sri Lanka along with enhanced tax computation skills with practical and tax
              VAT to the national revenue over the   calculation exercises. Over 20 participants completed the course in 2022.
              last 5 years

             Over 80 participants completed the
             course in 2022

          60   CA SRI LANKA  | Integrated Annual Report 2022
   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64   65   66   67