Page 111 - 2596-CA SR Lanka- Annual Report 2022
P. 111

Note 30 - Transactions engaged between CA Sri Lanka and AAT, where CA Sri Lanka appoints eight council members out of the
          sixteen of AAT.
          For the year ended 31 December                                                         2022       2021
                                                                                              Rs.'000    Rs.'000

          Payments to AAT
          Advertisement in organizer                                                               -         30
          Sponsorships                                                                          1,600         -
          Receipts from AAT
          Registration and tickets for Annual Report Awards Competition                          302        172
          Renewal of Training Organization                                                         -         28

          Note 31 - Financial risk management
          The Institute has exposure to the following risks from its use of financial instruments. These are monitored by the Council and Finance and
          Administration committee on a regular basis:

                 Market Risk

                             Credit Risk

            Liquidity Risk

          31.1. Credit risk
          Credit risk is the risk of finance losses to the Institute if a recipient of a service or counterparty to a financial instrument fails to meet its
          contractual obligations.

          31.1.1 Maximum exposure to credit risk
          The maximum risk exposure of financial assets which are generally subject to credit risk are equal to their carrying amounts.
          Carrying Value as at 31 December                                                       2022      2021
                                                                                              Rs.'000    Rs.'000

          Fixed deposits                                                                        87,544    1,522,083
          Treasury bonds                                                                     1,438,665        -
          Loans and receivables                                                               226,678    204,410
          Treasury bill re-purchase agreements                                                 80,029     48,000
          Maximum exposure to credit risk                                                    1,832,916   1,774,493

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