Page 97 - 2596-CA SR Lanka- Annual Report 2022
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No.   Source of Other Income  Applicable Accounting   Accounting Treatment
                                    Standards /
          01.   Income from Hire of   Conceptual Framework  Income from hire of halls is recognised on accrual basis.

          02.   Sponsorships and    Conceptual Framework  Income from sponsorships and contributions is recognised on accrual
                Contributions                           basis.

          03.   Gains/Losses on Sale   LKAS 16          Net gains and losses on the disposal of property, plant and equipment
                of Property, Plant and                  are recognised in the statement of comprehensive income after
                Equipment                               deducting from the proceeds on disposal, the carrying value of the
                                                        item disposed of and any related selling expenses. In the case of
                                                        any revalued asset, any balance remaining in the revaluation reserve
                                                        account is transferred to the statement of comprehensive income at
                                                        the time of disposal of the assets.

          04.   Miscellaneous Income  Conceptual Framework  Any other income not specified above is recognised on accrual basis.

          (c)   Restricted Contributions / Income  Funds received as donations without any   Institute has adopted the “Function of
          Restricted contributions are provided   direct request being made or without   Expense” method to present fairly the
          based on agreements, contracts or other   any defined terms and conditions being   elements of the Institute’s activities in its
          understanding, where the conditions   laid down with regard to utilisation, are   statement of comprehensive income.
          for receipt of the funds are linked to a   unrestricted. In such circumstances the
          performance of a service or other process.   funds are recognised as income when it is   (a)   Project Expenses
          The Institute earns the contribution   received.                     Expenses in carrying out the projects
          through compliance with the conditions                               and other activities of the Institute
          that have been laid down and meeting   Funds are recognized in the statement of   are recognised in the statement of
          the envisaged obligations. Income is   comprehensive income up to the extent   comprehensive income during the period
          not recognised in the statement of   that the Institute disburse the scholarship   in which they are incurred and the basis
          comprehensive income, until there is   funds received for the agreed purpose.  for identifying project expenses are mainly
          reasonable assurance that the contribution                           on locations of the project, staff allocated
          will be received and the conditions   The accounting treatments laid down   to the project and projected activities
          stipulated for its receipt have been   above are in compliance with Conceptual   of the project according to the project
          complied with and the relevant expenses   Framework.                 proposal.
          that it is expected to compensate
          has been incurred and charged to the   (d) Finance Income:           Expenses are recognised in the statement
          statement of comprehensive income.   Finance income comprise of Interest   of comprehensive income on the basis
          Receipt of the funds does not by itself   income which has been recognised   of direct association between the cost
          provide conclusive evidence that the   using effective interest rate method   incurred and the earning of specific items
          conditions attached to the contribution   (EIR) according to SLFRS 09 Financial   of income.
          have been or will be fulfilled. Until   Instruments.
          the conditions have been fulfilled,                                  (b)   Operational Expense
          the contribution is regarded as part of   2.4.2  Expenditure Recognition
          restricted funds.                 Expenses in carrying out the projects   All expenditure incurred in the running of
                                            and other activities of the Institute   the Institute and in maintaining the capital
          On receiving any restricted contributions,   are recognised in the statement of   assets in a state of efficiency has been
          the contribution is recognised in the   comprehensive income during the   charged against income in arriving at the
          statement of financial position. Thereafter,   period in which they are incurred. Other   income over expenditure for the year.
          on a systematic basis, an amount   expenses incurred in administering and
          equivalent to that which has been spent   running the Institute and in restoring   Expenditure on examinations, seminars,
          on agreed “restricted” activities during   and maintaining the property, plant   courses, and other educational and
          the period, is taken to income. Unutilised   and equipment to perform at expected   members' activities are recognised in the
          funds are carried forward as such in the   levels are accounted for on an accrual   statement of comprehensive income on
          statement of financial position.  basis and charged to the statement of   an accrual basis.
                                            comprehensive income.

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