Page 33 - CA Sri Lanka Integrated Annual Report 2023
P. 33


          International Apex Bodies play a significant role in promoting CA qualifications globally, thereby enhancing international recognition
          for CA Sri Lanka. CA Sri Lanka enhances its engagement with these bodies by adhering to their Statements of Member Obligations.
          Additionally, it collaborates actively to develop the accounting profession globally, upholding high standards of conduct and ethics, and
          conducting research to gain insights from the local market.

          This table provides a clear overview of CA Sri Lanka’s involvement with various international apex bodies, along with its roles and
          contributions within each organisation.

          International     Definition/Details           Contribution from CA
          Apex Bodies Value
          International     IFAC is a global organisation for   h   Holds full membership at IFAC.
          Federation of     accounting professionals, dedicated   h   Complies with IFAC’s Statements of Member Obligations.
          Accountants (IFAC)  to safeguarding public interest in
                            financial reporting.         h   Represented in IFAC’s International Panel on Accountancy
                                                             Education and the International Public Sector Accounting
                                                             Standards Board (IPSASB).
          Confederation of   CAPA represents national    h   Holds full membership of CAPA.
          Asian and Pacific   Professional Accountancy   h   Holds a position on the CAPA board.
          Accountants (CAPA) Organisations (PAOs) from the Asia-
                            Pacific region.              h   Members represent in the Member Development Committee and
                                                             the Public Sector Financial Management Committee.
          South Asian       SAFA is a forum of professional   h   Holds membership since 1984.
          Federation of     accountancy bodies in the SAARC   h   Holds Board and Board Technical Advisory positions.
          Accountants (SAFA)  region, committed to developing
                            the accountancy profession and   h   Chairs SAFA Committees on Accounting Standards and
                            promoting economic development.  Improvement in Transparency, Accountability and Governance.

                                                         h   Members represent in various SAFA Committees and Task Forces,
                                                             including those focusing on education, ethics, auditing standards,
                                                             governmental accounting, international relations, IT, anti-money
                                                             laundering and more.
          Chartered         CAW is a global network committed   h   Associate Member of CAW.
          Accountants       to raising the bar in accounting
          Worldwide (CAW)   professionalism and empowering
                            Chartered Accountants.
          International     IIRC is a coalition focused on   h   Member of IIRC.
          Integrated Reporting  driving a paradigm shift in corporate   h   Organizes discussions, presentations, workshops, seminars,
          Council (IIRC)    reporting towards integrated     and webinars through the Integrated Reporting Council to create
                                                             awareness of integrated reporting among Sri Lankan corporates.
          Asian-Oceanian    AOSSG is a Group of Accounting   h   Member of AOSSG.
          Standard-Setters   Standard-setters in the Asian-  h   Chaired AOSSG for the two year term ending Nov 2023
          Group (AOSSG)     Oceanian Region, aiming to discuss
                            and share experiences on the
                            adoption of IFRS and contribute
                            to the development of high-quality
                            global accounting standards.

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