Page 30 - CA Sri Lanka Integrated Annual Report 2023
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          CA Student Value   Definition/Details          Contribution from CA
          Recognised        This indicates an academic or   h   The CA qualification is offered in three stages – Business Level
          Qualification     professional qualification that is   (I and II), Corporate and Strategic Levels, coupled with mandatory
                            highly-regarded and accepted within   professional experience and skills requirement.
                            its respective field or industry.
          Credible          Through a recognized assessment   h   Regular assessments on technical knowledge, professional skills,
          Assessments       criteria, of the students’ knowledge is   and on competencies of trainees under professional experience.
                            evaluated fairly and accurately.   h   An independent evaluation and benchmarking review conducted
                                                             by UK ENIC.
          Multiple Entry    Various routes or options are available  h   Over 25 pathways including A/Lto enrol as CA students.
          Pathways          for individuals to enter obtaining   h   Exemptions are granted for ACCA-UK, CIMA-UK, CPA Australia,
                            professional qualification       ICAEW and other professional bodies as well as for the academic
          Specialised       This offers enrolment opportunities   h   Range of alternate pathways to empower students to begin their
          Opportunities and   to gain expertise in particular areas   academic career.
          Career Pathways   of interest within their field which   h   Range of different qualifications
                            progressing in their careers.
                                                         h   Offering B.Sc. (Applied Accounting Degree) through CA Sri Lanka
                                                             SAB Campus
                                                         h   Postgraduate Diploma in Business Finance & Strategy
                                                         h   MBA
                                                         h   Certified Tax Advisor (CTA)
                                                         h   Data Analytics certificate course
          Educational       This encompasses various resources,  h   Online classroom programme
          Support           services, and programmes aimed   h   Upskilling programmes
                            at assisting individuals in their   h   Webinar Series
                            educational endeavours.
                                                         h   Study Text (hard & soft version)
          Engaging Students  This strives to actively engage them   h   Digital platforms
                            in the learning process through   h   “CA Live” and “Up close with CA” Programmes offering insights
                            interactive activities, discussions,   into the profession and related matters.
                            projects, and other participatory   h   The Student Gavel Club nurtures leadership and soft skills
                                                             development, with initiatives like ‘Orator Quest’ improving public
                                                             speaking abilities.
                                                         h   Participation in international conferences, via student exchange
                                                         h   The CA Student Society organizes flagship events like
                                                             International CA Students’ Conference and various other activities
                                                             promoting educational, professional development, sports and
                                                             social activities for the benefit of the students of CA Sri Lanka.
                                                         h   Scholarships for students
                                                         h   Renovated reception and enrollment areas integrate modern
                                                             technology for improved service delivery and student experience.
          Global Recognition  This involves recognizing and   h   The partnership between CA Sri Lanka and the ICAEW enables
          and Mobility      accepting qualifications, credentials,   CA Sri Lanka students to achieve dual membership with both
                            and professional certifications across   organizations simultaneously.
                            international borders.       h   Access to exemptions through ACCA, CIMA and several other
                                                             professional bodies.

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