Page 31 - CA Sri Lanka Integrated Annual Report 2023
P. 31


          Corporates comprise several stakeholder groups, from public practicing firms & the non-public practicing sector including listed and
          unlisted entities, multinational corporations to the small and medium sector entities who seek to employ CA members and students as
          a means of building their knowledge bank. These entities also rely heavily on the CA Sri Lanka expertise and guidance on global best
          practices for financial reporting, auditing and good governance.

          This engagement encompasses various aspects such as accountability, ethical conduct, facilitating tertiary education opportunities,
          nurturing skilled talent pools, fostering partnerships for collaborative projects, providing specialized expertise and insights, cultivating
          strong relationships and networks, and promoting sound governance practices. Ultimately, these interactions contribute to the
          enhancement of the quality of financial reporting and the overall development of the profession.

          Corporates Value   Definition/Details          Contribution from CA
          Setting Accounting   The main aim of this is to establish   h   CA Sri Lanka corresponds to the corporate needs in order to
          and Auditing      guidelines, regulations and principles   become a quality profession which has a high demand in local
          Standards         that control how financial information   corporates and multinational organizations.
                            is recorded, reported, and audited.
                                                         h   As the sole authority for setting Accounting and Auditing
                                                             Standards in Sri Lanka, it promotes the adoption of these
                                                             Standards among corporates.
                                                         h   The CA Sri Lanka’s Accounting and Auditing Standards
                                                             Committees work closely with the Council to have updated
                                                             Accounting and Auditing Standards on par with the latest global
                                                             developments in the field.

                                                         h   The Financial Reporting Standards Implementation and
                                                             Interpretation Committee (FRSIIC) functions as a key channel for
                                                             corporates to obtain interpretations of SLFRSs and resolve issues
                                                             concerning financial reporting.
          Promoting         This involves advocating for and   h   The Corporate Governance Faculty appointed by CA Sri Lanka
          Sound Corporate   implementing principles, practices   reviews and recommends proposed revisions to the corporate
          Governance        and processes that enhance       governance rules for the list of entities issued by Securities and
                            transparency, accountability, fairness,   Exchange Commission of Sri Lanka (SEC).
                            and responsibility in corporate
                            decision-making and operations.
          Supporting        This enhances economic development  h   Strengthening the country’s competitive position in the global
          Sustainable       and prosperity while preserving   market.
          Business Growth    environmental and social well-being   h   CA Sri Lanka’s SME Task Force is dedicated to support the growth
                            for present and future generations.
                                                             and development of the country’s economy.
          Ex-officio positions   This indicates representation on   h   CA Sri Lanka frequently collaborates with the Government of Sri
          held by the Institute  regulatory bodies, allowing the   Lanka and its regulators to offer support on matters of national
          on regulatory bodies  Institute to have a voice in decision-  importance. This includes areas such as economic policy, tax
                            making processes related to      legislation, budget implications, as well as current topics relevant
                            regulation, standards setting or policy   to companies like corporate governance, auditing, and financial
                            development within a particular   reporting.
                            industry or sector.

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