Page 28 - CA Sri Lanka Integrated Annual Report 2023
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          Being a member-driven organization, CA   Membership - Gender - wise   Membership
          Sri Lanka's reputation is shaped by the
          accomplishments of its members. The   7,000
          alignment of core competencies and
          skills with the departmental objectives   6,000
          has enabled CA Sri Lanka to succeed   5,000  1,904  1,901  1,953  2,150  2,198
          in achieving the corporate goals. The                                    39%       2023
          Institute continuously assists members to   4,000
          boost their professional growth constantly.   3,000                                           61%
          The members have accessibility for   2,000
          networking, technical support, training
          programmes, events and seminars      1,000  4,039  3,997  3,996  3,920  3,938  ACA - 3,776   FCA - 2,360
          enabling them to excel in their career. The   0
          development of the soft skills in members
          has enabled them to stand out in the       2019  2020  2021  2022  2023
          corporate environment.                    Male    Female

          ACA and FCA members are conferred by the CA Sri Lanka Council and adhere to CA Sri Lank’s Code of Ethics.
          h   Associate Chartered Accountant (ACA)
             Conferred on members who have gained the requisite skills, knowledge, experience and training in Accounting, Financial
             Management, Auditing and Taxation.

          h   Fellow Chartered Accountant (FCA)
             The highest level of membership conferred by the Council of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka. FCA is offered under
             Standard Scheme for Associate members of the Institute who have completed eight (8) years of uninterrupted membership together
             with 120 hours of CPD for the preceding five (5) years. Special FCA scheme is offered for members who have an uninterrupted 15 years
             of membership along with a minimum of 20 CPD hours for the previous year.

          CA Members Value   Definition/Details          Contribution from CA
          A Relevant        The qualification related to the field of  h   Offering in-depth study and practices related to the disciplines:
          and Respected     study or profession is highly-accepted   accounting, auditing, financial management and taxation.
          Qualification     by employers and other stakeholders.
          Continuous        On-going education and training   h   Hosting diversified fields of seminars and webinars - both
          Professional      provided to professionals to enhance   technical and non-technical
          Development and   their skills, knowledge, and expertise
          Technical Support   in their respective fields.
          Code of Ethics    A set of principles that govern the   h   Continuing efforts made to ensure Chartered Accountants have
                            behaviour and conduct of members   gained the highest standards of professional ethics. CA Sri Lanka
                            within the profession.           provides necessary guidance and updated versions of  Code of
                                                             Ethics for Professional Accountants.
          Career Pathways   Various routes or progressions that   h   Providing the most coveted professional accreditation for financial
                            individuals can take within a specific   professionals in Sri Lanka.
                            field or profession to advance their   h   Providing career opportunities both locally and internationally.
                                                         h   Committed to supporting members CPD to uphold CA
                                                             membership’s global relevance amidst changing times.

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