Page 29 - CA Sri Lanka Integrated Annual Report 2023
P. 29

CA Members Value   Definition/Details          Contribution from CA
          Member            Involvement, interaction, and   h   CA Sri Lanka has built partnerships in the form of Memorandum
          Engagement        participation of members within the   of Understanding (MOU) and Mutual Recognition Agreements
                            organization.                    (MRA) with the global professional bodies for the accounting
                                                         h   Engage with  Members Benevolent Society, ICASL Toastmasters
                                                             Club, and Young Chartered Accountants Forum (YCAF).
                                                         h   Establishment of foreign chapters of members


                                                                                CA New Enrollments by Gender
          Students represent CA Sri Lanka’s largest   Number of New Enrollments
          stakeholder group. CA Sri Lanka is the leader
          in the country’s tertiary education system   8,000
          and also one of the largest student bodies
          among professional accounting institutions   7,000                      66%
          in Sri Lanka. Key areas of concern for   6,000                                      2023         34%
          students in grooming well-equipped future   5,000
          Chartered Accountants include the need for   4,000
          qualifications aligned with global standards,
          transferability and exemptions, multiple   3,000
          entry pathways, support for learning and   2,000                            Male        Female
          training, high-quality study materials, reliable   1,000  7,621  3,351  5,308  6,539  7,655
          examinations, networking and leadership   0                           Geographic Distribution of CA New Enrollments
          opportunities, career prospects, soft skills
          development, accreditation of learning      2019  2020  2021  2022  2023
          providers, evaluation of training partners and                        21%                       39%
          access to scholarships.


                                                                                12%                       14%
                     Strong            Diverse Skill        Hands-on                  Western     North Western
                   Foundation             Set              Experience                 Southern    Northern
                       in                                                             Central     Other
                    & other                                                     CA Active Students
                  Knowledge                                                      40,000
             Professional Knowledge  Professional Skill  Professional Experience
            Core knowledge and    Range of soft skills such   Practical application
              understanding of      as communication,      of knowledge and      15,000
           accounting principles and   presentation, IT   skills through training
          other technical aspects that   proficiency and others,   via approved training   10,000
           form the backbone of the   which are essential for   partners          5,000  37,248  31,101  30,009  30,444  31,639
                qualification     professionals in the field                        0
                                      of accounting
                                                                                        2019  2020  2021  2022  2023

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