Page 32 - CA Sri Lanka Integrated Annual Report 2023
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                 PUBLIC SECTOR

          Being the foremost authority in Sri Lanka’s accounting profession, the Government of Sri Lanka and its regulatory bodies are key
          stakeholders of CA Sri Lanka.

          CA Sri Lanka’s approach to regulators speaks to the Institute’s core strengths in education and knowledge sharing. To promote
          transparency, accountability, good governance and encourage international best practices in the public sector financial reporting, the
          Public Sector Accounting Standards were formulated in line with the International Public Sector Accounting Standards.

          Public Sector Value   Definition/Details       Contribution from CA
          Adoption of Public   This indicates the process by   h   CA Sri Lanka’s regulatory framework underscores the Institute’s
          Sector Accounting   governmental entities, such as   fundamental pillars of education and knowledge sharing.
          Standards         national governments, state or   h   The formulation of Public Sector Accounting Standards aligns
                            provincial governments, local    with International Public Sector Accounting Standards, promoting
                            governments and other public     transparency, accountability and good governance. CA Sri Lanka
                            sector organizations implement   jointly with the Ministry of Finance developed and issued the
                            standardized accounting principles   first, second and the third sets of SLPSAS in 2009, 2012 and 2017
                            and practices in their financial   respectively.
                                                         h   Additionally, this encourages the adoption of international best
                                                             practices in public sector financial reporting.
          Association of    APFASL is dedicated to advancing   h   APFASL offers a specialized degree-level accounting qualification.
          Public Finance    excellence and best practices in   It enhances accounting standards within public sector institutions.
          Accounts of Sri   public sector finance and accounting   h   MOU between CA Sri Lanka and  the Chartered Institute of
          Lanka (APFASL)    within Sri Lanka.
                                                             Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) London allows APFASL
                                                             members in the public sector to pursue the CPFA qualification.
          Collaboration and   This signifies a collaborative effort   h   APFASL’s capacity building activities aim to educate public sector
          recommendations   involving various sectors and    organizations on Sri Lanka Public Sector Accounting Standards
          on economic policy   stakeholders to develop and provide   (SLPSAS), aligning their accounting and reporting practices with
          and matters on    guidance on policies and actions that   national standards.
          national interest   promote economic growth, stability
                            and overall prosperity for the nation.
          Training and      This aims to improve public sector   h   APFASL offers a range of training and capacity-building initiatives,
          Capacity Building to  accounting and reporting practices by   such as diploma and certificate programmes, as well as
          strengthen Public   ensuring compliance with standards   professional qualifications, aimed at elevating the quality of public
          sector accounting   and promoting transparency and   sector accounting and reporting practices.
          and reporting     efficiency in financial management.
          Public Sector Annual  Excellence in the preparation and   h   Promoting high standards of financial reporting and governance
          Report Awards     presentation of annual reports   across all sectors of the economy.
                            by public sector organizations,
                            promoting transparency and
                            accountability in financial reporting
                            are recognized through this.

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