Page 94 - 2596-CA SR Lanka- Annual Report 2022
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          (a)  Funds
          Name of the designated fund              Purpose
          Needy Students’ Scholarship Fund
          L.A. Weerasinghe Memorial Needy Scholarship Fund  Help deserving and promising CA Sri Lanka students
          Merit scholarship funds
          •  General Fund                          Help deserving and promising students who have shown exceptional performance
          •  CA Sri Lanka Scholarship Funds        at CA Sri Lanka examinations and undergoing Business level training.
            •  District 1st  Scholarship Fund
            •  A/L Top 10 Scholarship Fund
            •  Children of  staff members’ Scholarship Fund
            •  Inter-school Commerce competition Scholarship
            •  National Conference Scholarship Fund
            •  CA Talent Scholarship Fund
            •  Top achievers at A/L tutorial Scholarship Fund
            •  Non-commerce Student Scholarship Funds
          Other Funds
          Faculty of Taxation Fund                 Development of the tax profession
          Faculty of Auditing Fund                 Development of the auditing profession
          Publication Fund                         Development of publications
          Urgent Issues Task Force Fund            Interpretation of accounting issues
          Audit Quality Assurance Fund             Conducting audit quality assurance related activities
          New Technological Development Fund       New developments and technological areas, researches and simulation of the
                                                   newly developed tools in order to obtain real life experience for CA students.
          Needy Members Medical Expenses Fund      Medical assistance of needy members

          2.3.2    Restricted Funds
                                             Name of the Restricted Fund        Purpose
          Where grants / donations are received
          for use in an identified project or activity,   Needy Students’ Scholarship Funds
          such funds are held in a restricted fund   •  CA Sri Lanka UK Members’ Scholarship Fund   Help deserving and promising students to
          account and transferred to the statement   •  Dalton Wijeyeratne Memorial Scholarship   realize their future ambition of becoming a
          of comprehensive income to match with   Fund                          Chartered Accountant
          expenses incurred in respect of that   •  Prof. Y.A.D.S. Samaratunga Memorial Fund
          identified project. Unutilized funds are
          held in their respective fund accounts   •  Prof. Kodagoda Memorial Fund
          and included under accumulated fund   •  Members’ Scholarship Fund
          and reserves in the statement of financial   •  PricewaterhouseCoopers Scholarship Fund
          position until such time as they are   •  Mr. Sanjaya Bandara Scholarship Fund
                                             •  Mr. Chandradasa Liyanage Scholarship Fund
          Where approved grant expenditure   •  Mr. A.L.B. Brito Mutunayagam
          exceeds the income received and there is   •  Memorial Scholarship Fund
          certainty that the balance will be received,   •  Pelwatta Sugar Industries Ltd Fund
          such amounts are recognized through   •  CA Qatar Chapter Scholarship Fund
          receivables in the statement of financial
          position.                          •  Ernst & Young scholarship Fund  Institute is the administrator of the
                                                                                scholarships granted to Audit trainees
          The Institute has accounted the following   •  Ms. Inoka Gunaratne Memorial Fund  Help deserving and promising students
          funds and grants as restricted funds and   Grants
          the purpose of such funds and grants are
          elaborated as follows.             •  Sri Lanka Accounting and Auditing Standards  Promulgating accounting and auditing
                                               Monitoring Board (SLAASMB) Grant  standards

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