Page 76 - 2596-CA SR Lanka- Annual Report 2022
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          Attendance at Meetings & Other Areas of Responsibility               Council Meetings
          Council Members                                     Attendance       Council meetings proceed according to a
                                                                               preset agenda and are minuted and later
          Mr. Sanjaya Bandara (President)                     24               endorsed by the Council.
          Mr. Heshana Kuruppu (Vice President)                21
          Mr. Manil Jayesinghe (Immediate Past President)     21               A total of 24 Council meetings were held
          Mr. Chulantha Wickramaratne                         -                in 2022. Key items taken up for discussion
          Ms. Coralie Pietersz                                21               at Council meetings in 2022, included the
          Mr. Tishan Subasinghe                               22               Annual budget, Financial Statements and
          Mr. Jayampathy Molligoda                            19               major capital expenditure recommended
          Ms. Anoji De Silva                                  21               by respective committees.
          Mr. Saman Sri Lal                                   23
          Mr. Ashane Jayasekara                               19
          Mr. Thivanka Jayasinghe                             22
          Prof. Athula Manawaduge                             18
          Mr. Chamara Abeyrathne                              19
          Mr. Laknath Jayawickrama                            21
          Mr. Nuwan Withanage                                 21
          Mr. R.A.L. Udaya Kumara                             18

          CA Sri Lanka Governing Council    Composition of the Council
          The CA Sri Lanka Governing Council (The   The Council is led by the President,
          Council) is the highest governance body   supported by a Vice-President and
          of the Institute. The Council operates   fourteen other members. Of these 7,
          in line with the powers vested by the   including the Vice-President are elected by
          provisions of the Act of Incorporation and   the Members of the Institute, while the
          Regulations of The Institute of Chartered   remaining members are appointed by the
          Accountants of Sri Lanka. Accordingly, the   Minister of Finance. The Auditor General
          Council is tasked with providing strategic   of Sri Lanka and the Immediate Past
          direction and oversight for the affairs of   President of CA Sri Lanka also serves as
          the Institute.                    ex-officio members on the Council.

          To assist in the day to day operations,   Elections are conducted every two years
          the Council has delegated certain   to elect the Vice-President and six Council
          duties and responsibilities to the   members. The Vice-President becomes
          Institutes’ governance, statutory and   the President for the next term.
          operational committees as well as the
          Chief Executive Officer, Secretary and   The most recent elections were held in
          the Management teams. The Council   December 2021 and the new Council
          maintains close working relationships   was inducted in January 2022. Members
          with these stakeholders to ensure CA Sri   elected to the current Council consist
          Lanka’s strategic agenda continues to be   of senior CA members drawn from
          implemented.                      diverse backgrounds, including practicing
                                            accountants, academics and leaders from
          Council membership and committee   the private sector and public sectors. Their
          membership are all voluntary positions   names and profiles of the sitting Council
          undertaken by senior CA Members as a   members are set out on page 20 of this
          service towards driving CA Sri Lanka’s   report.
          core objectives.

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