Page 61 - 2596-CA SR Lanka- Annual Report 2022
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Business School

           Stakeholder Value Creation Scorecard      Strategic Imperative      a special training programme on Forensic
                                                                               Accounting in addition to the flagship
                 Members                           Developing Talent Pools     programme, Certificate Course in Forensic
                 Corporates                        Skill Development and       Accounting offered by the Business
                                                       Specialisation          School.
                                            students received the Executive Diploma   The CA Business School continued to
          The CA Sri Lanka Business School offers   in Accounting, Business and Strategy. The   offer upskilling programmes in the form of
          a range of locally and globally recognised   convocation was held on June 2022 under   short courses for corporate executives in
          qualifications including postgraduate   the patronage of Prof. Ren Yi, Pro Vice-  both accounting and non-accounting fields.
          and executive diplomas. The Master of   Chancellor (International) of the University   Over 12 short courses were conducted in
          Business Administration (MBA) offered   of Southern Queensland, Australia  subject areas of Finance, Data Science,
          by the Business School is facilitated by a                           economic related topics, Enterprise Risk
          partnership with the University of Southern   In 2022, a new partnership was established   Management, lean for finance, economic
          Queensland (USQ) Australia. The MBA   between the CA Business School and   environment of Sri Lanka, digital assets,
          programme offered in partnership with the   the Central Queensland University in   digital transformation, etc. offering
          USQ was conducted under the old and   Australia. Following the formal signing of   professional development for over 500
          new syllabuses in 2022, with 115 students   the agreement, work began on setting   professionals throughout the year.
          successfully obtaining their Master of   up the framework to offer an MBA with a
          Business Administration (MBA) from   specialisation in Forensic Accounting  To keep pace with the evolving
          the University of Southern Queensland                                requirements in the global business
          (USQ) Australia. Another 65 students   To further augment its capacity in Forensic   context, the Business School also
          received their Postgraduate Diploma in   Accounting discipline, the Business   commenced working on a curriculum
          Business Finance and Strategy and 15   School also partnered with the Certified   revision of its Postgraduate Diploma in
                                            Fraud Examiners, USA to begin offering   Business Administration.

                                                                    Postgraduate and Executive        Graduates
                                                                    Diploma Courses on Offer at the   Produced in
                                                                    Business School                        2022
                                                                    Executive Diploma in Accounting,         15
                                                                    Business and Strategy (EDABS)
                                                                    Postgraduate Diploma in Business         65
                                                                    Finance and Strategy (PGDBFS)
                                                                    Master of Business Administration and   115
                                                                    Master of Business & Innovation
                                                                    Certificate Course in Forensic           60

         Annual Convocation 2022 – Business School

                                Finance            Lean Management           Digital Assets
             Short                                                                                 Transformation
           Conducted                                                         Macroeconomic           Actuarial
            in 2022           Data Science               ERM
                                                                              Environment             Science

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