Page 59 - 2596-CA SR Lanka- Annual Report 2022
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SAB Campus – CA Sri Lanka

           Stakeholder Value Creation Scorecard      Strategic Imperative      The SAB Convocation 2022
                                                   Developing Talent Pools     The SAB Campus Annual Convocation
                                                     Thought Leadership        of 2022 was held on 12th December
                                                                               2022, at the BMICH under the patronage
                                                                               of Mr. Upali Jayasekara, Chairman/
          SAB Campus of CA Sri Lanka, formerly   Focus on Interactive Learning  Managing Director of Mega Heaters
          known as School of Accounting and   Learning infrastructure at the SAB   Group, Mr. Sanjaya Bandara, President
          Business is a key pillar within the   Campus was upgraded in 2022 with   of CA Sri Lanka, Mr. Heshana Kuruppu,
          CA umbrella recognized by the UGC   steps being taken to expand the lecture   Vice President of CA Sri Lanka, Mr.
          (University Grants Commission of Sri   materials/content available to students via   Ashane Jayasekara, Council Member,
          Lanka) and the Ministry of Education   the Learn Management System (LMS).   CA Sri Lanka and Chairman, Board
          (MOE) as a fully-fledged degree awarding   Additionally, online quizzes and interactive   of Management, SAB Campus of CA
          Non-State Institute, SAB Campus is   games were introduced to the LMS to   Sri Lanka Ms. Dulani Fernando, Chief
          known for its UGC-approved Degree   augment the learning experience for   Executive Officer of CA Sri Lanka, and
          programmes - the BSc. (Applied    students while the front-end interface   Prof. Ariyarathna Jayamaha, Director of
          Accounting) General Degree and the   of the LMS was further enhanced to   SAB Campus of CA Sri Lanka.
          BSc. (Applied Accounting) Special Degree   facilitate digital submission of student
          programmes. Further the MOE has   assignments.                       A total of 343 graduands were confirmed
          granted approval to revise the name of the                           their Bachelor’s Degree at the Annual
          above two Degree Programmes in terms   Practical Learning through Field Visits   Convocation. The Board of Management
          of the guidelines issued by the UGC as   A two-day field visit to a tea factory in   of the SAB Campus also granted a series
          Bachelor of Applied Accounting (General)   Nuwara-Eliya in December 2022 was   of special awards in recognition of the
          Degree and the Bachelor of Applied   organized for undergraduates of Intake   exceptional achievements by students
          Accounting (Honours) Degree in 2022   14/2020 (Third year students). Field visits   Including the Award’ for the Best All-
          which will be introduced from 2023.   are now a compulsory component as   Round Performer, Award for the Best in
                                            part of the continuous assessment in the   order of merit in Batch wise, Best Overall
          SAB Campus, CA Sri Lanka which is   course units of both degree programmes.   Performer – BSc. (Applied Accounting)
          positioned as an emerging force in   A total of 141 students took part in the   General Degree, Best Overall Performer -
          the country’s tertiary education sector   2022 field visit, which was led by Prof.   BSc. (Applied Accounting) Special Degree
          recorded a total of 544 new student   Ariyarathne Jayamaha - Director SAB   and First in Order of Merit in Subject wise.
          enrolments in the FY 2022 for its two-  Campus and academic staff of SAB   Also Best Presenters of the SAB Campus
          degree programmes.                                                   Research Colloquium - 2022.
          Creating New Career Pathways
          In 2022, SAB Campus moved ahead
          with plans to further diversify its courses             Convocation Summary 2022
          offerings through completing assessment   Results Category                  General   Special   Total
          to obtain approval from MOE to award                                        Degree   Degree
          three new degree programmes - the
          Bachelor of Management in Business   First Class                                24       13       37
          Analytics (General) Degree, Bachelor   Second Class Upper Division (Honours)    47       22       69
          of Management (Honours) in Business   Second Class Lower Division (Honours)     43       12       55
          Analytics Degree and the Master of   General Pass                              147       12       159
          Business Administration (MBA) Degree
          Programme. Proposals for both courses   In-Absentia                             23         -      23
          were submitted for review by the Ministry   Total                              284       59       343
          of Higher Education in mid-2022 and
          approval remains pending at the end

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